Where it all started

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My face lit up slightly at the sound of my communicator. I placed Ellie down at the grass to rest and to check my messages, because I was mostly ignoring them. There was a one from George saying that Sapnap was chasing him and that he needed help. I chuckled at the message and responded saying I was a bit busy. Then I skimmed over some spams and ads, until Something caught my eye.

Dream answer

He is literally trying to kill me what do you mean you're busy??

Tommy messaged me? That's something you don't see everyday. I opened our private chats and saw ten messages.


Dream answer
Pick up your fucking communicator
Where is Ellaine??
Shes not eesponding
Dont you fucking ignore me
Your the only one who I saw last with her
Did you kidnap her you bitch

I rolled my eyes at his spamming and noticed they were sent a bit over 10 minutes ago. Wait! I can go to Tommy and Wilbur. They're the only option I can think of. Without a second thought, I responded.

Big D A.K.A bitch

Tommy Ellies with me
Where are you?
Shes unconscious


What the fuck do you mean shes not conscious??
I swear if you drugged her I will beat the shit out of you

Big D A.K.A bitch

I didnt
I mean she got drugged by someone else
I'll explain when I get there


When you get here??
I'm only looking for Elaone not you

Big D A.K.A bitch

Where are you
I'm bringing her with me
She isn't harmed
Just tell me where you are


I dont fucking know a ravine?
We ran towards the forest

Big D A.K.A bitch

There are forests EVERYWHERE
You have to be more specifis


Dont tell me to be specific I'm fucking losing my shit oat heer
I found this place near a mound
Like a boulder

Big D A.K.A bitch

Which direction did you run?
Were you facing the sun?

I dont remember left?

I groaned in frustration at his uncooperation. I eventually got a somewhat clear location. And so I picked her up and started to run. Night time was coming and mobs tend to spawn in forests.

When I reached the forest, I asked Tommy what he saw. After a long and painful argument I went deep into the forest. The moon was out and I could see monsters starting to spawn. I sprinted towards who knows where. I didnt have my armour on, so I could be killed here. I quickly chatted Tommy to put a torch or something to notify if I got close. But right after I heard hissing behind me.


I managed to avoid the initial blow but was knocked back. I held onto Ellie as tight as I could, to not drop her. As soon as I saw skeletons loading their bows I booked it for the mound Tommy had told me about. Luckily I saw a singular torch and Tommy dodging an arrow. Thank god.

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