The Regrets

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"Fuck off, I don't know you" he got up with much difficulty. The others didn't even raise their weapons. There was nothing he could do. Nowhere to run, hide, nothing he could pull out of his sleeves.

"Schlatt. You fucked up. So much" Tommy stepped up, holding Dream's crossbow and pointing it to Schlatt. Wilbur put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do it, Tommy" he egged him further. Elaine wanted to take the crossbow, but she figured the others could have even a little bit of closure.

"You know if I die, this country goes down with me" he let out a cough. He was delusional. Even trying to hit Fundy with his bottle of whiskey, which Fundy blocked, but it shattered all over the ground.

"Schlatt, you had a dream and I followed it but you brough it down hill everything, you ruined it!" Fundy blamed him. He just wanted a mentor in life, someone to tell him what to do, someone that cared about him. But one after the other they all seem to disappear from his life.

Schlatt let out a violent cough, clutching his chest and using the wall to support him.

"Tommy?" She called for him. Tommy slightly lowered the crossbow.

"What?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of Schlatt.

"Give me the bow" she ordered. Tommy didn't want to give it, but the look in her eyes told him he could trust her with it.

"Fucking kill him, Elaine" he spoke with spite and hatred. She would do as told.

"I know you won't understand this being drunk and all, but let me send you to hell with a message" she took the bow and pointed it to him. She saw from the carving that it was Dream's. Not that she cared.

"You were a failure as a father, a violation to everyone you came near. Noone who was close with you got out without scars. You were the dirt that stained this very ground we walk on. Yet you managed to hurt so many goddamn people" she rambled, not leaving anything out. The others looked at him with disappointment and anger. While he just sat there and took it all.

"So many times I wanted to run away with Tubbo, start our own life. But of course you acted like the pathetic bitch you are, guilttripping your own children and look at us now.  Real nice family huh?" She added. Tubbo looked down at Schlatt beside his sister. He was saddened that this was the man he once called his father. A man so pitiful.

"Elaine, Tubbo" Schlatt got up from the floor again, making her tense up and hide Tubbo behind her.

"You two can't kill me. I'm your old man! The single dad that raised two children on his own" he exclaimed, obviously woozy. She was about to pull the trigger, when he fell to his knees coughing loudly.

"Does anyone smell toast?" He sniffed the air, before losing his balance and falling to the floor gasping for air dramatically. People were surprised. There was silence while they stared at the corpse. Well until Tubbo piped up.

"Did he just have a heart attack?" He asked. Elaine went to check his pulse and sure enough, he was gone. She was dissapointed she wasn't the one to kill him. She should've sent him to hell. But whatever. He was dead now.

"It's over. His tyranny is over!" Ponk stated, as the others celebrated his death. Tubbo joined Tommt in his victory. Elaine was left staring at the dead man in front of her, a gaping emptiness left unfulfilled.

"You okay?" Dream came up from behind her. She didn't bat an eye at him.

"Are YOU okay with talking to me now?" She snapped. He didn't say anything for a second. Only stared with her.

"I know I did the wrong thing. I fucked up, I get that-" he somewhat apologized. It didn't mean anything to her anymore. All she ever heard nowadays are apologies. And she was sick of it.

"'I fucked you over, and made you feel like you want to die, but please find it in your heart to forgive me' Just shut it already!" She cut him off. He stepped back to give her some space.

"Do you like me because you know I'll come back to you? Because of you and your inability to communicate, you lost your best friend and me. I'm sorry I put you through so much, but you could've communicated better. You could have fucking talked to me, Dream. Instead of having to choose" she confronted him. Not out of anger, more out of sadness. Dream stood still and let every word sink in. He played a big part in her misery.

"I'm such a dumbass, I should've talked to you. You weren't controlling me, I blamed you for my actions. I was too prideful to admit it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so ignorant. I didn't mean to hurt you but I did. I'm sorry" he genuinely apologized. And that's when she burst into tears and fell to her knees.

"I never wanted to be dragged into all of this war shit" she cried. Dream comforted her the best he could but it was obvious she didn't want him to.

"I just wanted to be left alone"

It tore Dream apart to see how far she had fallen. She was hit again and again by problems she had no business dealing with. She just wanted peace.

"It's alright. I'm here for you" he let a few tears pass his mostly emotionless state. He was tired too. He wanted this to end too. But it was too far deep.

Elaine bawled her eyes out for a few minutes before she stopped letting out any noise. Her face was expressionless.

"Did I mean anything to you?" She glanced at Dream. He was silent.

"Did I mean anything to you?" She asked again. Dream got up and offered her a hand, which she refused and stood up herself.

"Yes, you did. You meant everything to me. You were my world, that I should've taken care of more" he scolded himself, but ultimately it was useless.

"Then why did you let me go and watch me crumble before you?" She replied. Dream knew getting her back was near impossible.

"Because I was scared okay? I was scared of losing you and I was scared of my emotions. You were the one to push me out of my comfort zone and get me to show and express my emotions. I was afraid of my emotions. Because I've never loved anyone the same way I loved you before, I was scared I would say something or do something wrong to make you hate me" he admitted. Elaine stared at him. He, Dream was scared?

"Ever since I was little I lacked the ability to love and get attached to something or someone. I found George and Sapnap, but then I found you" he took Elaine's hand in his. He wasn't lying. And Elaine saw that.

"You were the one to open my eyes. Someone that I never wanted to lose. Someone that I wanted to love. So I taught myself how to love so I could love you" he was crying at this point, desperately trying to win her forgiveness. Elaine was starstruck at what she had just learned.

"Dream..." she muttered. She didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being such a stupid idiot. All I wanted was to be with you" he took his mask off to reveal his face, which was washed over with tears. Elaine felt sorry for him she really did.

"I...*sigh* I should say sorry too. I didn't put in the effort you did. But I also need time. We both do" she consulted him. He seemed to agree, nodding his head while putting his mask back on. They exited the vehicle and saw everyone arguing. Tommy and Tubbo were on the podium. Techno was holding his trident, screaming back. The others crowding around them and surrounding Techno.

"Typical" Elaine said, not caring anymore. Dream chuckled.

"I expected this" he added. They looked over the crowd before Elaine noticed something.

"Wait" she frantically looked around.

"Where's Wilbur?"

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