Befriend or Betray?

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"What are you doing here?"

I snapped my head towards the direction of the voice. It was none other than Punz. I was really salty about the backstabbing but still managed to keep my cool.

"I was actually just looking for you, traitor" I shot back. He had a look of disgust in his face and sighed.

"Call me what you want, I only did it for the money" he leaned on a tree and closed his eyes. I got a throwing knife and just barely missed his throat, but actually pinned his hoodie to the tree. His eyes flashed open and took the knife out of tree.

"Bitch, this was my favorite hoodie" he threw the knife back at me, which I dodged. I smiled to myself and left knowing I wouldn't get anywhere by talking to him. But just as I took a few steps, I heard a branch snap from not even a foot behind me. My reflexes kicked in and I attempted to slash him. I turned around in a blink of an eye and just barely missed them. It was Punz. Holding a syringe. My eyes widened.

"You tried to tranque me again? Do you not feel a pinch of guilt that I was willing to forgive you for doing that yesterday?!" I yelled at him, backing away. He approached me with the syringe.

"It didn't hurt, did it? So I'm sure you can get through it one more time" I could feel the ominous aura he gave off. I got in a fighting stance.

"Do you really want to have an all out brawl in the middle of the forest?" I tried to talk some sense into him. He scoffed.

"I'm surprised you trusted me enough to let me get closer to you. Not much of a killer move" he twirled the sedative in his hand. I watched his moves very carefully, since Punz is full of surprises.

"I did. And I was stupid for trusting someone who's greed is bigger than Dream's ego" I stated. He laughed at that.

"Oh please, my greed isn't bigger by a tad than your green masked boyfriend's ego. Seriously, he acts like ge knows everything" he rolled his eyes.

"At least he knows how to treat his loved ones right" I narrowed my eyes on him. He frowned again and started to walk over to me. I walked back every step he took.

"You don't have to do this" I still stupidly held out hope for someone who is far from having a chance to be redeemed. He did nothing but smirk. My eyes widened. He never smirks. Unless he had something up his slee-

"Hello there" a voice piped up from behind me. I turned around to see a boy with a purple hoodie and blonde hair that resembled Punz's.

"I called up a buddy, cause I knew this time you wouldn't go down as easy as last time" the kid nodded along. Punz knew that I would come looking for him. So he prepared his ace. I don't know who this kid is, and I don't know his skill level.

"This your brother or something?" I asked. The kid didn't move and tilted his head to see Punz. I distanced myself from both of them and tried to keep my eyes on both of them.

"You know, you could just come with us" Punz started off, faking an attack, making me lower my body in defence. I scoffed at his offer and reconsidered my options. He could be lying and this could be a random child with no fighting skill at all. But the way he's armoured and how he's holding his sword suggests otherwise. I can't battle two at once, and Punz is faster than me. This is a normal oak forest, just with more obstacles. Obstacles that could slow him down. The kid is almost the same height as me, so he's hopefully not as skilful as Punz.

"Yeah like I would follow you to my demise" I sarcastically replied. They both started to close in on me. I rapidly looked back and forth and did the only thing I could.

"Dream!" I yelled, catching them completely off guard.

"Calling your boyfriend huh? Too bad he's with George and Sapnap" he taunted. If I know one thing for absolute certainty after all these years, it's that Dream will drop whatever he's doing if he heard me scream. Without a second thought, I ran backwards into the trees. They of course chased me down. I made sharp turns into small crevices and stayed low so they wouldn't spot me. They were hot on my tail, but I eventually saw light in the distance, meaning the end of the forest was there. Quickening my pace, I ran as fast as I could to the community house. When I looked back, the purple hoodie was there, but his white hoodied counterpart was nowhere to be seen.

"Dream!" I shouted, losing my dexterity. When I saw the tip of the community house, I was pushed to the ground. When I turned around, a needle was stabbed into my neck. Again. With all the strength I had left, I pushed Punz away and got up, squeezing the energy I had into running.

"You won't last long, Elaine!" Punz threatened. He stopped chasing but the kid caught up to me. I felt a pain in my neck for being pierced twice now, and it had a chance of getting infected.

"Dream.." I barely screamed, slowing down. I fell to my knees and caught myself before I fell down. A wave of tiredness flushed over my muscles, paralyzing my nerves. Blinking my eyes, my eyesight began to blur. I took deep breaths, but it only felt more suffocating.

"Told you you wouldn't last long" I heard Punz say and two shadows hovered over my motionless body. I couldn't believe I was knocked down again. The last thing I remember was calling the man who I loved more than the world itself.


Hurting Or Healing? (Season 2 of Long Lost Love)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz