Down Spiral

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"..why can I not stop thinking about you?"

That sentence caught me completely by surprise. What? He was thinking about... me? Why would he..?

"Will, you're not in the right mental state for this. W-We'll talk about this later" I made a excuse and attempted to get out, only for him to drag me back.

"Wait, Elaine! Don't go.." he pleaded, eyes looking up at me gleefully.

"Will, let me go" I ordered, trying to pry him off of me.

"Ever since we were younger, I've loved you Elaine! More than a sister" he got up and stepped forward, making me step back.

He... loves me?

Will loves.. me?



This isn't right

None of this is

He's just hallucinating. That's all. He's drunk. He can't possibly be telling the truth.

"Will, you're drunk" I pulled my hand back and he let go, but right after he put both of his hands on my shoulders and pulled me from the door.

"No I'm not, I swear, I love you, I love you more than anyone else, more than that bastard Dream ever will!" He screamed, making me flinch.

"Wilbur! You're not thinking straight, I'll talk to you tomorrow" I pushed him off of me. Though he persisted.

"No, this is my only chance to tell you. I'm too much of a pussy to tell you when I'm sober, believe me, please!" He pursued, which made me realize I have to keep him here by force. I opened the door and closed it behind me, blocking it so he couldn't get out. His pleas and cries being heard through the door.

"Give me a chance, Ellie!"

"I promise I'll love and care for you until the day you die!"

This guy is way too into poetry. I got a chair and positioned it so he couldn't get out.

"Please... why can't you accept my feelings..?"

It hurt to hear him like this and I almost believed it. Even if it were true, I just didn't like him in that way.

Wilbur POV

I've lost her. She thought I was drunk, which I wasn't. I had just spilled some whiskey before she came in and used it to get a confession from her. But it didn't work. It never does.


Why can't she love me?

Why does that green fuckwad have that I don't?

She has tainted my mind. She poisoned me and left me to rot.

That hooded bitch. He hurt her. He broke her heart. He deserves to perish. And if it weren't for her sympathy, I would've killed him thousands of times over. I'm willing to do that for her. Then why can't she love me?

What drove us apart? I know what it was.

It was chaos.

All of this war and fighting for the basic ability to be free. This is what tore us apart.


Is what's keeping me away from my love

More than chaos it was L'manburg. My nation... was the enabler for all of this. All of the fighting, every disagreement, Every. Single. Battle. Was linked to L'manburg in one way or another.

It must be destroyed

Wait, what? No. What the fuck am I saying?

It's a glorious country that me and the Europeans have created. A nation we fought for. A nation we sacrificed so much for.

For what?

Respect? Dream never gave us a shred of that. Neither did any member of the Dream Team.

Friends? We lost more people than we recruited. Eret betrayed us a d I bet the others had that on their minds as well.

Safety? Don't even get me started on that. We all had a first hand experience with war. And now we are forever traumatised.





Freedom my arse! Who the fuck gives a shit about our freedom!? Exactly.

Fucking noone.

L'manburg is a beauty. It had so much potential. Yet it was ruined by Schlatt and his dictatorship. Only I can have L'manburg. No one else.

No one else

Can have

My unfinished symphony

Or my soulmate. The only two purposes of my life.

I shall take them back. Both of them. I will eliminate Schlatt and Dream. They can never go near my most prized possessions.

My L'manburg.

And my queen.

We shall rule our kingdom with freedom and democracy. We shall establish a monarchy. It will be so wonderful. Everyone is welcome to stay and live in peace. With no war and no conflict.

It's perfect.

Our happily ever after.





Hey guys, I know this is going to be a very bad thing to do, but I don't want this story to go on for long. It's been half a year, and the support I'm getting is amazing. I read all the comments and see all the votes you guys leave and it genuinely makes me smile. This story is taking up alot of my motivation and finishing it is still not a short way to go. I had to cut some events like the Festival or else there was going to be a third book. I'm trying to get through all of the events, but I'm nowhere near the end.

I know how persistent I was on not giving up, but this has been going for so long and taking up so much of my time, not to use too much of the same excuse, not using 'story logic' as a plot holder, and it's exhausting.

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide.

Do you want to continue this story?

Or should I focus on something else?

I have about three stories ready to go, with different plot so tell me if you want to see a different trope in my writing style. Only shorter and better.

Hurting Or Healing? (Season 2 of Long Lost Love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant