The Roots of Grief

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"I see you're awake"

All of my movements stopped. Well, great. Now I have to deal with this shit again. But now physically. I mentally prepared myself and sighed, notifying I heard him.

"Sorry, I had to bring you in this way. You wouldn't have ever came here willingly" he apologized in a tone i could recognise was pitiful.

"At least you got that part right" I coldly stated. He finally appeared infront of me, pulling up a chair from behind. He set it down and sat on it. We stared at each other for a good minute before he spoke.

"Now you must be thinking 'What do you want to do with me'" he reenacted my thoughts. I scoffed.

"I will admit, that is what I'm thinking. And I want answers. Why do you need me here?" I demanded. He stood up from the chair and kicked it away.

"Now don't forget, you're the one who's tied up right now" he taunted. I shrugged off and continued to ignore him.

"So? Why does it matter? This is basically my childhood in a live representation" I snickered at my own joke. He didn't seem amused though.

"Aren't you glad to see and talk to your old man?" he changed the subject. I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of reacting.

"Anything but that" I replied. Internally I was smiling my ass off on in my head. If he's going to annoy me, might as well return the favor.

"Right, I'll cut to the chase" his polite demeanor ended.

"Go on" I ushered, clearly annoying the hell out of him. He rubbed his eyelids and sighed.

"I want to offer you a job" he said in a classic dealmaker's voice. I already knew the answer, but considering my position right now, maybe I'll change my mind somehow.

"What kind?" I asked. He lowly chuckled.

"The job of ambassador otherwise, a guard" he proposed. I hummed at the suggestion. Let's see what kind of trick he uses to convince me.

"And what do I get in return?" I asked again.

"Well, for one you get your freedom" he clarified. I huffed at that.

"For second, you could... maybe know the truth about your mother" my eyes circled at the last word. Mom?

"You act like you know" I growled, gripping the ropes as hard as I could. His smirk returned.

"Oh but I do. She was my wife after all" he said in a mocking manner. I was mad, but above that I was curious. Damn you curiosity! Came at the worst time.

"What do I even say to that? On one hand, you are the one who married her, on the other your the one who never mentioned her after she went missing, even when I would ask questions, you avoided or changed the subject" I ranted. He hummed at my stubbornness.

"No matter how much you deny it, no matter how much you try to think otherwise, you know deep down inside, that I'm the only one who could provide answers for you, the reason why she was taken and what happened to her after she was taken" I fucking hate him. More than that, I hate the fact that he's right. He is the only one who knows. Everyone else who was involved is either deceased or has disappeared.

"What was the reason you despise me?" He asked all of a sudden. I furrowed my eyebrows at his awful memory.

"Shouldn't you already know that? You out of everyone should have an idea, or even multiple ideas as to why" I argued. He stood still infront of me and had a look of seriousness on his face.

"Just tell me" he coldly demanded. My eyes widened at his sudden coldness, but swallowed my hesitance and kept my attitude.

"Well, for one you were never home when Tubbo and I needed you to be, I basically had to be the adult in the house and teach Tubbo how to read and write while I learned how to  cook, clean and fight to defend my family" I started off. His stare shifted downwards to the floor, seemingly guilty.

"And the times you were home was when you were drunk and stumbling into the house, muttering how you never wanted to take care of me and Tubbo, while he was sleeping in the other room, probably hearing your every word. I had to be the strong willed one, the smart one, the reasonable one by force, so we would survive in the real world, cause let me tell you, kindness and loyalty unfortunately doesn't let you live longer out there, especially with people like you who wouldn't give two shits if something happened his own children" I rambled on, tears threatening to spill.

"That was reason one let me remind you" I commented in the middle of my long vent. He rubbed his eyelids.

"Second of all, signing away my life for money. I don't care how many times you apologize or try to make up for it, which I doubt you would even think of, I will never forgive you, for giving my life away to some royal assholes, who think they're so high and mighty that they don't care about the people below them" I spat, every word full of venom and hatred. His gaze turned into a sorrowful one, which made me pause a little, seeing how genuine his regret seemed to be. But I shook myself out of it and continued my speech.

"Honestly, nothing could top the amount of emotional, physical and psychological damage those demons have done to me. I can't even describe it in words. If Dream wasn't there, I would've given up all hope on life and went straight to hell, cause that was probably better than staying there" I went on and on.

"I wasn't the one who signed that contract"


You know I'm all about the plot twist life.

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