Just a Suggestion

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Tw: Panic attack

"Of course I do. You're one of my closest peers" he answered, but that was not what I wanted to hear.

"No, I mean... more than a friend" he was struck silent for a moment. Though his face was dipped in guilt and regret. I already knew the answer. He hated Dream with every cell in his body. He tried to sabotage us. How he always tried to throw a bone between us.

"You tried to break us up" I finally realized. I could feel the dramatic music intensifying.

"You knew that if Techno or Phil didn't approve of him, it was mission complete" I thought aloud, now spiking with anger. How could he?

"Just say something!" I yelled at him. His eyes were focused on the floor. At least give me an explanation, dammit!

"It's true" he whispered, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"I... love you, I always have" he admitted. Why can't I be satisfied with an answer anymore!? He confessed. That's it. There's no more to the story. Why can't I accept that?

"You love me... but I don't love you" I was a void of emotion. It doesn't really matter. As much as I don't want to break his heart, I just can't love someone after my love left me.

"I... can't love you. I'm sorry" I apologized, yet his expression was in denial.

"But!.. I'll treat you better than he ever did! I can love you more than anyone else in the world!" He lunged at me, grabbing my shoulders, making me instinctively jump back.

"He left you, and broke your heart at that. But I! I will never leave you! I will treat you like my queen!" He suddenly went to crazy talk, making me tense up, which he noticed and let me go.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to scare you!" He backed away, now terrified and looking at his hands. He looked  at me with... what I can only describe as a distraught look in his eyes. I slowly approached him.

"Will, are you okay?" I went to comfort him. He's having a panic attack.

"Will, Wilbur! Look at me!"I called out to him. He looked at me with blurred eyes.

"I want you to repeat my breathing okay?" I told him. He shakily nodded. I began taking deep breaths, with him following suit. He calmed down eventually and slumped.

"T-Thank you" he wiped off the tears pricking his eyes. I helped him up.

"What's going on with you lately? Not to be rude, but you've been acting very... unstable" I glanced at him.

"I'm going insane, Ellie" he deadpanned. Oh god.

"I don't have much time left" he explained, clutching his head.

"Wait, what?" I was confused. What could've caused this?

"Please, don't come near me. I'm sorry, for everything I've done to you and Dream" he apologized and left to his room. This is gonna be a problem soon.

"Elaine!" Tubbo's voice squeaked by. I turned to be tackled in a hug by Tubbo.

"Hey, Tubs, how's it going?" I patted his head.

"Schlatt cancelled the Festival!" he informed me. We heard that there would be a Festival to celebrate their freedom and democracy or whatever. But I guess Schlatt's stopped it.

"Do you know why?" I asked him, suspecting it may relate to me.

"I'm not sure. He just said that we should focus on fixing ifnasturcture or something like that" he explained.

"It's infrastructure" I corrected him.

"Irnafstructrure?" He tried to echo.

"Infrastructure" I corrected him again.

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