11. NEW 宛

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Jungkook is a little dramatic this chapter.

FairWarning🫥Jungkook is a little dramatic this chapter

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Sighing, I looked around and noticed a black book laying on top of the counter. As curiosity piqued my interest... I opened it and saw some artwork, probably pop's designs.

"Listen Jungkook, I don't know what you're going through but you can always talk to me about it, you know it ain't good to try and keep shit inside."

Shaking my head as I closed the book, I sighed out and closed my eyes... Why do I keep thinking about her...?

Opening them back up, I looked around one last time and decided to face my fears head-on. Walking over to the bed and pulling the covers off it. I watched as the dust particles floated around.

"Damn this place needs some cleaning." Taking off my shirt and placing it in the waistband of my pants, I grabbed a broom from the back and began to clean.


Looking around his house, I noticed a hand in my peripheral vision, looking up and smiling, he handed me a bottle of calypso. "Thanks."

"No problem... not that I don't like you... I DO! But like... when is yo nigga comin...? Or when is your grandma gon wake up?"

Jaw gaped as he said that with no issues, I 'Tch' before looking around. "I ain't never expect you to live in Riverdale, you one bougie ass muthafucka, you know that?" I finally looked back at him with a brow raised.

"Well I don't, this is my mom's place... her boyfriends actually, he got this big ass mansion as a gift for her, ever since then.... They just been doing their own thing and I've been doing mine. We don't talk, we just walk past each other and go one about doing our business." He said as he looked through his phone.

"Okay so you stay here once in a while, where do you live then...?" I asked how curious about his situation

"Well, I want to say that I live by myself but that wouldn't be right, my old man is crashing with me for a couple of months cause of my momma, so yeah. But to answer your question I live in your area." He said finally looking up

My eyes widened at the answer he just said. "WHAT?! And I ain't never see you?! Do you see me?!?" I rapidly asked him all these questions

"Woah relax bruh, I ain't running." he chuckled " Okay, first of all, you don't see me cause I work 24/7, and second of all, I see you all the time... you the noisiest neighbour on the block sometimes." He laughed about the last part which was true.

My grandma's house can be the noisiest sometimes.

"By the way, your clothes are wet, do you wanna borrow some of mine...? while I throw yours in the washer and dryer? You can use my shower if you want." He asked

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