Part 78: A Promise

Start from the beginning

"You know that's wrong," Rengoku said. "Young Kamado's sister has attained your power. Young Kamado himself is on the cusp of mastering the Sun Breathing. Agatsuma has shattered his limits. Shinazugawa-Kun is mastering your breathing style. The pillars are the strongest they've ever been. And you yourself have seen how much the recruits have grown. Everyone is gaining strength to hold their own." Rengoku said.

"..." Akai remained quiet and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Rengoku..." Akai was going to break the news to him, but the Flame Pillar met him there.

"I already know that your body is breaking down." Rengoku said. "But I know that you're strong enough to overcome this. Even if you live on for a year, a month, a day, or an hour after this war... If that happens, then you will have won." Rengoku hugged Akai tightly. "Fight with the intent to live on. For however long you can. Please." Rengoku begged Akai. "And please don't push us away."

"...I'll try." Akai sighed.

"Okay, great! Kanzaki, come on over!" Rengoku's mood immediately brightened and he turned to leave.

"THE FUCK!?" Akai yelled.

"You've no reason to be apart anymore!" Akai heard Rengoku's voice grow quieter as he ran up the trail back to his house. "I need my new student in tip-top mental condition to truly excel!!!" He laughed.

"YOU MANIPULATIVE SON OF A-meh, I can't be mad at you..." Akai knew it was in good will. And that Rengoku meant what he said.

He grew quiet as Aoi came down from where Rengoku had ran.

"For the record, that was all his idea." said Aoi.

"Aoi..." Akai's heart began to race. "I'm sorry for hurting you." He finally said. 

"Well, you should be..." She pouted.

"Okay, wow." Akai was somewhat offended by that.

"I was kidding!" She barked. "And I'm sorry for yelling at you..." She rubbed her arm and looked away.

"...I've made a lot of promises in my life." Akai began. "Most of which... Hell all of which are with the intent to hurt. I swore to kill all demons. To behead Muzan. To drag him to hell."

"Yikes..." Aoi commented.

"But to hell with all of that." Akai decided. "I want to make a good-natured promise for once. I want to make a promise to myself, and to you." 

"..." Aoi blushed at his words.

"I promise that I will survive this battle, and to fight for a happy ending. One I can have with you." Akai swore to her.

"Is-Is that a...?" She stuttered.



"Wait, I'm sorry! That just slipped out! I know I'm rushing it's just that I'm stressed!"

Cue a few minutes of screaming.


After calming down, Akai and Aoi sat side by side under a tree. 

"So... Why the Flame Pillar?" Akai asked.

"He was the only one available." She muttered. "All the other pillars are busy training." Aoi explained.

"So... Why take up the sword now?"

"To spite you." 




"Eh?" Akai turned to her, somewhat perplexed.

"You wanted me to be safe so badly that you hurt me to ensure so. But I wanted to spit in the face of that and remain by your side, even if it put me at risk." 

"Hm." Akai nodded. "Well, you do seem pretty good at it." He muttered.

"At being bitter?"

"What! No! I mean with your training."


"You're not mad?" 

"Meh, I broke your heart, I deserve it." Akai shrugged.




"You know, I never did apologize, did I?" Akai chuckled. He froze when Aoi leaned against him. 

"I'm waiting..." She whispered.

"...Sorry." Akai murmured as she pulled him into a tight embrace.




"You're really stiff. Where did all this muscle come from anyway?" She asked.

"My pops made me do a lot of exercise as a kid." Akai explained. "Said it would better prepare me for the Hamo-" Akai suddenly froze.

"Hamo?" She asked.

Akai suddenly snaked out of her grasp and got up. 

"What's going on?" Aoi asked.

"I need to see Ubuyashiki. I might have just discovered our one-way ticket to our happy ending." Akai said. "AnywaysIloveyoubye!!!" Akai quickly uttered as he broke into a sprint down the trail.

Aoi sighed and watched him disappear into the distance.



Oh hey, they're back together!

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