The Conversion

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Okay, so my laptop finally stopped spazzing out long enough for me to put this up, I'm sorry about the notifications about my messages and new story, but my laptop decided to die and delete what I'd done in that past hour. Electronics really do hate me. So anyway, I'm only going to post the description in this part below to see what you think. So if you want me to post the first chapter comment below and tell me. =)


 Thirty years ago a deadly virus swept through the human race. It infected everyone it came into contact with, leaving its inhabitants converted into bloodthirsty, monstrous, killing machines, unable to feel right or wrong. And no one could stop it.

Uninfected humans still exist, living beneath the ruins of the cities, only venturing out in the safety of daylight to hunt, scavenge and look for survivors. Eighteen year old hunter Harlow Cooper has led a relatively normal life in this world, losing her family and hope to the virus, just like everyone else. And as the war rages on, Harlow seems to be stuck directly in the middle of it all, but why?

The Conversion has already begun, but can it be stopped?


So what do you guys think? Would you read it? =)

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