Dad- "So let me get this straight. You want to stay home to work on an essay"? I asked looking at her

Lissy- "Uh-huh"

Dad- "I don't buy it," I said setting down my cellphone and wallet next to me

Dad- "I don't buy it," I said setting down my cellphone and wallet next to me

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Lissy- "Dad it's the truth," I said

Dad- "What's the essay about"? I said putting one of my legs across my lap and my arm on top of the sofa

Lissy- " Revolution War" I replied

Dad- "Why didn't you work on this essay earlier in the week? How come you are waiting until the last minute to work on it"? I questioned her

Lissy- "I'm not waiting until the last minute. I have a couple of pages left to write. I can't do it if I am with you" I replied back

Dad- "Why not"?

Lissy- " If I go with you to the palace and you have to go somewhere regarding work. And since you usually bring me. I won't be able to work on my essay " I explained

Dad- She does has a good point there. I do usually bring her with me except when my team and I are in our gear. I also don't feel comfortable leaving her by herself at the palace. Even though you would have an ID to enter the palace and pretty much anywhere in the building ever since the break-in we had a while back. That's when the extra security came into play. Maybe I could leave her home by herself for one night. It'll only be a few hours and besides, I won't be able to bring her with me since there is a good chance we will be able to finally catch our killer tonight. I thought to myself

Lissy- "Please Dad? Give me a chance"

Dad- "Alright you can stay home by yourself..." I said hesitantly

Lissy- "Yes"!

Dad- " But there are some rules for this to happen," I said putting my finger up to stop her

Dad- " But there are some rules for this to happen," I said putting my finger up to stop her

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Lissy- "Rules"?! I exclaimed

Dad- " Yes rules," I said

Lissy- "Seriously Dad"? I complained

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