
"...Something tells me Akai has made a mistake." Ubuyashiki muttered as the shockwave of the attack echoed from a few miles away.


Akai awoke in a small crater. His entire bottom half was erased by the attack. He realized how lucky he had been. Had Nezuko perfected it, and added the golden ripple, he might have been erased entirely. He groaned and bit into his arm, slowly healing his wounds. He wasn't able to heal much as Nezuko strode into the crater and stomped on his chest. Akai could feel his reshaped sternum shatter into dozens of pieces as he vomited blood all over his chest. She stomped him over and over, eliciting screams of agony as Akai's bones were fractured and broken.

Akai, along with his bones, snapped.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Akai let out a pulse of flame and heat, sending Nezuko flying out of the crater. Akai breathed raggedly as he pulled himself up, heat pouring off of his body. 

"This is the third time I have been physically abused by a woman. And it will be the LAST!!!" He roared furiously. "SO HERE I-" 

Akai was cut off as Nezuko rocketed forward and heated her foot to the max, planting a Red Comet straight into his crotch. Akai's face lit up in unimaginable pain as he lost consciousness on the spot. Nezuko went further, burning through Akai's body and splitting him in half vertically.

Righty and Lefty collapsed to the ground, clutching their crotches in pure agony.

"You think splitting in half would lessen the damage, but it hurts twice as much!!!" Righty thought as he wailed in pain.

Nezuko slowly began to chuckle, before laughing maniacally, charging another True Red Comet as the brothers slowly tried to crawl away. The orb grew larger, and larger, and larger. 

There was no stopping her.

There was nothing that could stop that power.

There was nothing that could stop that red-hot heart beating in her chest.




Except itself.

Out of nowhere, the powerful, thrumming heartbeat emanating from Nezuko's chest stopped, as the glow in her chest began to wane. The blood orb charging in her hand died, fizzling out and falling into a puddle at her feet. She wailed in pain and clutched her chest, falling to her knees and shrinking to her normal size. Her body cooled and the marks disappeared, horns sizzling and shrinking away. She let out ragged, pained breaths as her heartbeat grew erratic and weak.

Her heart had given out.


"CAPITALIZE!!!" Lefty shouted to Righty and they rushed toward one another. They collided and fused back into Akai, who quickly brought his hands together.

"Kaaaaaa... Meee...-Wait-I mean- True... Red..." Akai corrected himself and charged a True True Red Comet. Filling an orb of blood with all of the heat he could muster and filling it with the golden ripple.

"Akai, stop!!!" Tanjiro ran in front of him and shielded Nezuko. "Remember who you're fighting!!!!"

Akai realized he was about to erase Nezuko, and depowered the blood orb, flicking it away. He himself crumpled to his knees, utterly exhausted. But he was forced into action as he saw Nezuko creep towards Tanjiro from behind his back.

"Tanjiro, move!!!" Akai shouted as Nezuko sprung to life and charged towards her brother. He shoved Tanjiro out of the way as Nezuko pounced, colliding with him and straddling him to the ground. She opened her mouth and came forward, biting down on his neck. Akai cried out in pain as she pinned him to the ground and began to drink. She let his blood pour into her mouth, her cheeks growing rosy as the delicious taste coated her tongue. She let out a muffled moan of ecstasy into his neck at such a flavor.

The Good Demon [KNY]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें