Chapter 54

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Everyone made their way to the beach, which wasn't a very long walk. It was only a couple of minutes. There was also a trail that led them right to the shore. Once they'd arrived, they all put their bags of stuff on their chosen spot. As soon as they did that, most of the boys ran off towards the water.

Riki and Jungwon ran into the water, with Sunghoon splashing them. They laughed and splashed him back. Jake jumped into the water, followed by Seonwoo who made happy cheers to finally be in the water.

Amara stayed behind, watching them with a smile. She looked around, trying to make a strategy to sit down. It was a bit of a struggle, since her stomach was starting to get bigger. 6 months had passed by really quickly. Although some days, it felt like they were dragging by slowly. She reached out her hands and was about to do that route, when one of the others grabbed her waist, stopping her from doing so.

"Why don't you ever ask for help? You're so stubborn," Jay sighed from beside her.

She looked up at him, pouting. "I don't need help, I've got it!" she whined.

"You're 6 months pregnant. I saw that you were about to squat your way into sitting. Don't be stupid," he tsked as he rolled his eyes.

He held her hands tightly, helping her to sit down in the sand. Once she was sitting, he kneeled down next to her.

"Stop being so stubborn. Ask us for help, okay? I know you want to keep doing everything by yourself, and stay independent. But, you're pregnant. You can't exactly do certain things by yourself. What are you going to do when you're 9 months and finally going into labor? Penguin waddle out of your apartment and call for a taxi to the hospital?" Jay looked at her, scoffing at his words.

Amara glared at him, huffing, "No... I guess not," she sighed.

He was right. She needed to start asking for help. There were a lot of things that she'd need help with now. Especially things she used to do on her own, that wouldn't be as easy as they used to be. He chuckled and reached over, rubbing her arm.

"I just want you to not be afraid to ask for help. That's all. That's what we're here for. So, if you need anything, just call for us. You know we'll come running," Jay smiled, moving his hand to caress her face.

"I will, I promise. Thank you. Now, go have fun," Amara said.

"I will, I will! Just remember; Just call if you need us!" Jay got up and left, waving his hand.

She giggled softly as he left.

The group stayed at the beach all day. Every now and then, one of them would come to check up on Amara to make sure she was okay, ask if she needed anything. Each time, she said that she was okay. She made sure to take tons of pictures as well, so she could keep the memories of this day.

She was currently posting a one of the pictures she took of Jake. While doing so, she caught herself zooming in and out of the picture. Every time Amara zoomed in, she would feel herself smile. She wasn't sure how many times she did this. She kind of got distracted with it. While doing this, she could feel her heart beat quicken slightly, but not too much. It was just a few quick flutters.

When Amara did that, she felt a weird sensation in her stomach. The best she could describe it, was it felt like butterflies. Like how when somebody is nervous or excited. The moment this happened, she was surprised. Considering it was the first movement she's felt. She gasped, dropping her phone in the sand. She got an overwhelming feeling of excitement.

The group was splashing about in the water, when they heard their fiancè let out a shriek. They all looked over, panicking at the noise and ran to her, worried.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurting?" Seonwoo asked her, freaking out.

"Are you in labor already?" Riki asked, panicking.

Sunghoon smacked him on the head, making him wince.

"Did you hurt yourself? What's the matter?" Jay asked, starting to freak out as well.

Amara looked up, surprising them all. She had a smile on her face. She wasn't hurt or in pain at all. They all looked at her, confused.

"I felt the baby move!" she suddenly said, her words coming out in an excited squeal.

They all stared at her, having not expected that. "What? Really?" Jay asked, losing all fear he had.

He pushed Riki and Sunghoon aside, making them fall in the sand. He put his hands on her tummy and waited. When he didn't feel anything, he pouted.

"I don't feel it. Are you sure it moved?" Jay asked her, sighing in disappointment.

"Of course I'm sure, you idiot," she rolled her eyes and put his hands back on her stomach.

Amara did the same thing she did earlier, and thought about being with the 7 of them. As if on cue, Jay felt very slight movement against his hands. It must have scared him at first, because he let out a noise, falling over into the sand. It made her giggle at his reaction.

"Move over, I want to feel!" Riki said, shoving Jay out of the way.

"Hey!" Jay glared at him.

Riki clumsily flopped into the sand, putting his hands on her tummy. After a second, he felt the slight movement. His eyes went wide and he looked up at her, shell shocked.

"What does it feel like?" Seonwoo asked, sitting next to her with a smile.

"It's weird; It's like I have butterflies in my stomach. Or like there's little fish swimming around," Amara said, unable to get rid of her smile.

"Really? That's kind of cool," Jungwon smiled at her.

All the boys felt her excitement flooding into them, which made all of them smile. It was her first time feeling the baby move, so it was a widely shared feeling between all of them.

"I can't imagine how happy you must be. It's their first movement," Sunghoon smiled, brushing sand off of his shirt.

"I don't know how to feel. It's all kinds of emotions. But, I'm so happy," Amara gushed, giggling.

Seeing her happiness, made them happy. They were excited for her and what else might happen.

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