Chapter 51

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Amara stood in her bedroom, staring at the clothes she had lying out on the bed. She was trying to decide on what to pack. The staff had planned out a camping trip for the guys and they invited her to go with them. She refused at first, because she'd thought it was one of those events that the company had planned and wanted to do a Vlive of them. But, the staff insisted that it was just a vacation that was planned. She still refused at first, because she wanted the group to have time with each other. But, they didn't take no for an answer and begged her to come.

So, here she was now, trying to decide on the clothing to pack. She wasn't sure if she should bring a mixture of summer and winter clothing or not. After another couple of minutes on figuring it out, she just decided to bring all warm clothing. There would be a low chance of it being hot anyway, because it was already winter in Korea. She put all of her summer clothes back into her closet. She began to pack her warm clothes into her suitcase. When she'd finished, she zipped it up. She picked up the bag with her products inside, putting it into the front pocket. She closed that as well.

From there, Amara was going back and forth between her bedroom and the rest of her apartment. She was getting all the little extra things she'd need to bring with her. Like her phone charger, her earphones, her prenatal vitamins, her shoes. She packed up some other random things as well. It all varied really. When she finished, she pulled her things up to the living room. She was in the middle of making sure she had everything, when her phone went off. She pulled it out of her hoodie pocket, turning it on. It was a message from the group. She opened it and couldn't help but smile reading the messages she saw.

After a couple minutes of texting, Amara whined as she shoved her phone into her pocket. She was instantly regretting giving Heeseung an attitude. Why did she never learn? Now, she was going to be stuck sitting with him and getting an earful. And if that's not it, she was going to have to deal with him ignoring her. Which is what he did when he was angry enough. Whatever it's going to be, she knew she'd going to be screwed later. If she wasn't pregnant, she knew he'd be dealing with her sexually.

But, since she was pregnant, she had an instant pass on that.

Which she was thankful for. She knew how he was. They've not had sex, but she's gotten a few hints and clues at how he can be. And it was hard for her to say no, because he had a way of making her not say it. So, since she had a pass of anything sexual, she had to worry about other things.

Like, was he going to scold her? Was he going to ignore her? Was he going to punish her in one of the several other countless ways a Dom would punish a Sub? If so, what would he do? What if he took away her eating junk food for a couple of days? What if he didn't let her watch certain movies or TV shows? Thinking about all the possibilities made her whine in frustration. Why couldn't she just behave?

Amara sighed heavily. Her phone vibrated again, making her look at it. Jay had texted her saying they were outside. She sighed heavily and put her phone back into her pocket. She made sure she had everything, before leaving her apartment. She locked the door behind her and brought her stuff down the steps.

"You idiot. What are you doing? Why didn't you ask for help?" Riki sighed, grabbing her suitcase.

"Because I didn't need help!" she said, trying to stop him.

But, he'd already put it in the trunk. "Whether you need it or not, you still have to ask. You can't strain yourself," he tells her, grabbing her bag and putting it on top of her suitcase.

She watched as he closed the trunk of the bus, pouting. She walked with him to the doors, with him helping her to get on.

"Have fun sitting with him. He's not too mad, but he's annoyed," Riki whispered to her, before going to his seat.

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