Chapter 12

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The next couple of weeks or so had dragged by very slowly. It was hard for Amara to get used to not seeing her boyfriends anymore. She could no longer have lunch with them everyday after work. She no longer recieved any good morning or goodnight messages from them. She wouldn't be waking up every now and then, to them surprising her with breakfast. She also wouldn't get any surprise visits. It was all gone and torn away from her in an instant. All because she was pregnant. If she'd known dating idols would have caused her all this heartbreak, she wouldn't have even bothered in the first place. It was hard for her, but she was managing. The members of Enhypen were helping her as best as they could. She was confident she wouldn't lose them, because she'd been best friends with Jay, before he went to be a trainee. Or at least she'd hoped she wouldn't lose them either. If she did, she was unsure what would happen.

Amara quietly cleaned down the tables at her work, with no thoughts in her head. She would have, but she was forcing herself not to. She knew if she did, she'd think about everything. And she didn't want to have a break down at work. Once she'd finished cleaning the last table, she clocked out of her shift. She left the tea shop and walked down the street, sighing. She was very tired. She just wanted to sleep. She finally made it home and pulled off her shoes. She dropped her bag on to her kitchen table and dragged herself down the hallway to her room.

After an hour of being home, Amara took a hot shower. She'd just stepped out, when she heard the doorbell. It surprised her, as she wasn't expecting anyone. She hadn't even ordered any food. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body quickly. She hurried up to the front and went to the front door. She looked through the eye hole and saw a familiar figure standing outside. She quickly unlocked her door and opened it, making the figure look over.

"Amara, do you want-- ? Oh," Sunghoon stopped mid sentence, when he saw her standing in nothing but a towel.

He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, respecting her. "Do I want to what?" she asked him, confused.

"I uh... I just came to see if you'd like to go with me to the ice rink," he said, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck.

He made sure to keep his eyes off of her.

"Oh! Sure, just let me get dressed. Come on in," she said to him. He followed her inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Sorry for answering the door like this. I wouldn't have if it was somebody else," Amara said to him as he walked into the living room.

"It's alright. It just caught me off guard," Sunghoon laughed softly.

"Just give me a moment to get dressed and we'll go," she said, giving him a small smile.

He could see the sadness behind it. "Take your time, no need to rush," he tells her, returning her smile with one that was warm.

Once she was in her room, he released a heavy sigh. Sunghoon reached up, running a hand through his black hair. Her answering the door like that, admittedly put some thoughts into his head. But, he ignored them and shoved them out as quickly as possible. It was very rude of him to have such thoughts about his friend. He was a gentleman and that's what he always strived to be. He would never let that go over some silly thoughts. He valued her as a person more than anything and she deserved respect. She was a woman, not a toy and not an object.

Amara came back into the living, dressed in some pants and a big hoodie. "Okay, I'm ready," she said, getting his attention.

He gave her a smile as he looked at her. "Great. Let's go the," Sunghoon said, his voice cheerful.

She put on her shoes and followed him out of her apartment. While they walked to the ice rink, she wondered why he'd invited her. He knew she couldn't ice skate. Maybe he didn't want her to be alone.

LO$ER=LO♡EROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora