Chapter 13

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The two had arrived at the ice skating rink. Once they'd paid for their entry fee, Sunghoon rented a pair of skates for Amara. She tried to convince him not to, as she'd never been on the ice before and she didn't know how. But, he told her he could teach her and she didn't have to worry. She continued trying to get him not to, but he refused to listen. Which brought them to the current situation.

Sunghoon stood inside the rink, holding Amara's hands, while she refused to step on to the ice.

"You don't have to worry, I won't let you fall," he was trying to comfort her.

She shook her head quickly. "No, I can't do this. You know how clumsy I am, Sunghoon. I'll fall the second I step out," Amara whined, gripping his hands.

"You're not going to fall. I'll make sure you don't," he promised her.

She looked at the ice and then looked at him, meeting his gaze. He had that lovely smile on his face. The one that always made her feel like she could do anything. Once she saw that smile, she felt a bit more confident in herself.

Amara allowed him to guide her on the ice. She carefully stepped on to it, holding his hands tightly. Sunghoon smiled and slowly skated backwards, away from the little entrance. She gasped as they started moving.

"See? Nothing to worry about. I got you," he tells her, smiling brightly.

She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise and fear. "I'm doing it!" she laughed softly, shocked that she was actually on ice for the first time.

"You are. Do you want to try on your own?"

After a second, she nodded. She really did want to see if she could do it by herself. Sunghoon slowly let go of her hands, in case she might fall. The two of them were a couple feet apart, no longer holding hands. Amara stood in place for a moment, debating if she should move and if she did, how to do it.

"It's just like walking, one foot in front of the other," Sunghoon tells her.

She watched as he slowly slid one of his feet forward, causing him to slide forward a little. She followed suit, moving her foot. She made a little wince as she moved.

"There you go. Now, do the next foot," he says, skating next to her.

She did exactly as he said, which made her move forward more. She smiled at herself. "I did it!" she said excitedly.

Sunghoon laughed softly at her excitement. It was adorable. She skated forward a bit more. One of her feet went a little too far, making her lose balance. Amara let out a shriek as she fell. He tried to catch her, but didn't get to her in time. She hit the ice, landing on her butt.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked, stopping and kneeling down next to her.

She started to laugh, making him smile to see she was okay. "I'm going to have a terrible bruise later," she said while giggling.

"Yes you are. But, you'll be alright," he laughed with her.

Her laugh was so contagious, that anyone who heard it, couldn't help but join. He took her hands and helped her to stand again.

"You did great for your first time," he tells her, very proud of her for giving it a try and not giving up.

The two of them continued to ice skate, but Sunghoon held her hand the rest of the time. They both enjoyed their time together. Amara felt better, because she wasn't alone and wasn't left with her thoughts. Being with him helped her to cheer up a little. It was one of the many reasons why him and the others were such close friends to her. They always knew how to make her feel better without even trying.

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