Chapter 37

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The day that Amara's birthday came, nobody had heard from her. No calls, no texts. Nothing. And it was making everyone worried, as it wasn't like her. So, they did the next best thing; They went to her apartment. But, that was a bust as well, because she wasn't answering. And the lights inside were off. Not even a lamp was on. So, they resorted to the next best thing. Riki bent down and reached under her door mat, pulling out the spare key. He stood up and unlocked the door. They all walked in, turning on the light.

"I'll check her room," Jungwon said, leaving the kitchen and going to her bedroom.

He opened the door and turned on the light. He looked around her room, not seeing anything. Her bed was unmade and her pillows crazy like usual. There was even a small pile of clothes draped on her chair. Something that was a habit of hers. He walked further into the room, looking around. When he turned the bathroom light on, he finally saw something out of place.

Her shower was empty. Her body wash, shampoo and her shower puff was gone. He looked at the sink, seeing that her other hygiene products were gone. This worried him, so Jungwon ran out of her room. The others looked up as he did.

"Her stuff is gone,"

Hearing Jungwon's words surprised them. Sunghoon ran into her room and threw open the closet. Most of her clothes were gone. He went to her dresser and pulled open the drawers. Empty. All were empty.

"She left?" Riki mumbled in confusion, frowning.

"Why?" Heeseung said softly, looking into the bathroom, seeing most of her stuff really was gone.

"This is why she's not answering us. Because she left," Sunghoon sighed, running a nervous hand through his black hair.

"But, why would she leave? Was it because of what Kai said to her?" Jungwon asked, frowning.

While they all talked about the reasons she might've left, Jay pulled out his phone. He called her number, hoping she would answer at least for him. She did that sometimes. He was hoping she would.

But, she didn't. Not this time.

Jay, not hearing her pick up, worried him. He started to get scared that she might be having a mental breakdown somewhere, and doing something stupid. He tried calling her again, his anxiety levels rising. He silently prayed for her to pick up. After the third try, and her not answering, his worry spiraled.

"Damn it!" he suddenly yelled, startling the others.

"What's wrong?" Riki asked.

"We need to go out and look for her. Now!" Jay said, leaving her room.

Everyone followed him, despite being confused. "We need to split up. Somebody needs to go check if she's at work. I'll go to the hospital. Just... Look anywhere that Amara might have gone," Jay ordered everyone, before leaving quickly.

They all watched him, worried about why he was freaking out and why he brought up the hospital. But, they listened to him and split up to go look for her in different places.

Jake was the one to check if she had gone into work. Jisoo looked up as he walked in. She stopped in her greeting, surprised to see him. She'd only briefly heard of the relationship with him and the rest of Enhypen.

"Is Amara here? Did she come in today?" Jake asked her.

She noticed his worry and frowned. "No, she didn't. Actually, she came in the other day. She talked to our manager about taking an extended leave." Jisoo said, seeing him frown.

"Is she okay?" she wondered, getting worried as well.

"We don't know. We haven't heard from her for a couple days. We went to her apartment, but most of her clothes and shower stuff were gone," Jake explained.

"What? I'll come help find her," she said quickly, taking off her apron. Her and Jake left the cafe quickly, to check elsewhere.

Heeseung had gone to Kepler's dorm, to see if she had gone to be with Bahiyyih, as they were close, due to the fact she'd been in a relationship with her older brother. His frantic knocking startled Mashiro, making her open the door. She was surprised to see Heeseung.

"Eh? What are you doing here?" she wondered, surprised.

"Is Amara here? Has she been here at all?" Heeseung asked, his worry clear in his voice.

Bahiyyih came to the door, hearing him. "What's going on?" she asked, worried.

"Has Amara been here at all in the past couple days?" He repeated his question.

"No, she hasn't. Why? Is something wrong?" She frowned.

"None of us has heard from her. We're trying to see if she's anywhere we think she might be," he said, becoming nervous.

"We haven't heard from her. I'll help you look. Mashiro, tell the others what's happening," Hiyyih said, telling her friend, who nodded quickly.

She watched the two leave to go find their other friend.

After searching anywhere and everywhere that she might be, nobody found Amara. They all met up again at a park.

"Has anyone found her?" Jungwon asked, breathing hard.

"No. She wasn't with us," Hiyyih said, clenching her hands together.

"And she asked our manager for an extended stay. She didn't touch on how long," Jisoo whimpered, worrying like crazy.

"She wasn't in the hospital either," Jay mumbled, groaning and cursing.

They all talked about where she might be. But, nobody could figure it out.

"Should we tell TXT? Maybe they know where Amara is," Seonwoo said, struggling to even bring them up.

"I doubt that they'd care enough," Riki scoffed, crossing his arms.

"We should try anyway. They might know about something we don't," Jake said, frowning and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'd rather us not... But, we need all the help we can get," Jungwon sighed in defeat.

With that decided, Jay growled and called the members of TXT.

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