Chapter 10

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It was storming really heavily outside, with the occasional sound of thunder booming, and the sight of lightning flashing in the sky. Inside the dorm, there was the sound of cheerful voices and laughter, with the sound of a video game on the TV. There was the sound of knocking on the door, getting everyone's attention.

"I'll get it," one of the boys said, coming out of the kitchen.

He went to the door, unlocking it and opening it. His smile disappeared quickly, when he saw who was standing out in the hallway. She had been staring at the floor, while waiting. Her hair was sticking to her face and her clothes were soaked through; A sign that she'd gone out in the rain like that. She didn't even have a jacket or a hoodie. Not even an umbrella was on her person.

"Amara?" Jay's question came out softly.

She looked up, a blank and empty look on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her cheeks were flushed and not in a good way. She'd been crying.

"What's the matter?" he asked, frowning and becoming concerned.

She stared at him. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She couldn't form any words. Instead, a sudden rush of tears flooded down her face, blending in with the rain on her skin. She gave up trying to speak, instead a small whimper leaving her mouth. She sniffled, raising her hands and trying to wipe away the tears, but failing when more fell. Jay quickly reached out and pulled her inside the dorm, closing the door.

"Jay, who was it?" a voice called.

The other members of Enhypen looked up when they heard footsteps. They saw Jay and... Amara was with him. Her broken state said everything. Different members had different reactions.

Riki and Jungwon stared in shock, unsure of what to say or do.

Sunghoon got up quickly to go get her some dry clothes.

Seonwoo went into the kitchen to get her some water.

Heeseung dropped his controller on the floor, staring at her.

Jake got up quickly and came over to her, while Jay went to go get a blanket.

"I'm..." Amara tried to speak, possibly trying to give an apology.

"No, no. It's okay," Jake said, interrupting her.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him. Her cheek met his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She whimpered again, sniffling and finally let it all out. She had a break down, emotionally and mentally. She started shaking from her crying, the stress and anxiety. The others thought that she might've been fine, since she was being held. That usually helped her. But, it didn't this time.

Amara fell to the floor on her knees, crying. Jake held her hands and kneeled down with her. She started to gasp loudly, having an anxiety attack during her breakdown. Seonwoo ran over with her water, kneeling with them.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, just breathe. In and out. Slowly," Jake tells her, trying to help her calm down.

She looked up at him, gasping still. To help her, he made slow breathing noises. She eventually started to do the same, gripping his sweater sleeves tightly. Seonwoo opened the water and handed it to Jake, who took it.

"Drink this, it's okay," he said, handing it to her.

She took it slowly, her hands shaking. He kept a hold on it, while she took some slow drinks so she wouldn't spill it. When she was done, he handed it back Seonwoo.

"Okay, tell us what happened."

About an hour or so had passed. Riki watched as Heeseung was pacing back and forth, while he was yelling into his phone angrily. He had called one of the TXT members to find out what had happened. None of the members could hear what was happening. Amara had long since finished her breakdown and had calmed down. Not fully, but enough to be taken into one of the rooms to change her clothes.

Sunghoon and Jake had gone with her to help her, because they were worried she would fall due to being unstable.

"What? What do you mean that you don't have the mental state to handle this? She's your girlfriend!" Heeseung shouted into the phone, beginning to lose his temper.

The other members watched in silence as something was said over the phone. They weren't sure what was said, but it made Hee fall over the edge. He gripped his phone tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Fine, then! Don't care! We'll gladly take care of her, since neither of you idiots want to and would rather abandon her! Don't bother trying to get back into contact with her! Screw all of you!"

Heeseung hung up and growled, suddenly throwing the phone to the floor, breaking it. Before any of the others could say anything, he stormed out of the dorm, cursing loudly in Korean. The front door slammed behind him. The others looked at each other, wondering what TXT had said. There were footsteps, which got their attention. Sunghoon came into the living room, sighing.

"How is she?" Riki asked him, worried.

"Really bad. She told us what happened," he said, running a hand through his hair.

"What did she say?" Jungwon wondered.

"She's pregnant. And she told Kai about it, and he told her he couldn't handle that. She said that's when she was texted by their manager and told that... Their relationship couldn't continue because of it. That's when she came here," Sunghoon mumbled, rubbing his neck in frustration.

"Are you fucking serious?" Jay snapped in anger.

"Yah, language!" Seonwoo said, nudging him.

"I don't care! That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard!" he yelled back, starting to lose his own temper.

Once he'd calmed down, Sunghoon continued.

"Jake is staying with her in the room. He doesn't want her to be alone," he sighed and rubbed his face.

After everything and everyone had calmed down, they all decided to call it a night. Thankfully, Heeseung had come back by then, a bit calmer. But, he went right to bed. The remaining members followed suit.

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