Chapter 53

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The smell of food is what woke her up. Amara made a tired noise, rolling on to her back. She put her hands on the mattress, pushing herself up into a sitting position. Once she did, she felt a wave of nausea hit her. She moaned in sickness, covering her mouth. She wasn't sure why sitting up made her feel sick. That's what she thought caused it, until another whiff of the cooking food filled her nose. She felt her stomach lurch, making her feel sick again. It was the food, not sitting up. She moaned softly and carefully moved her legs out of the bed. She tried to hold her breath until she could get to the bathroom.

The sliding door opened, startling her. She looked up, seeing that Riki had come in.

"I came to wake you up. Food is almost ready," he said, surprised to see she'd woken up.

She shook her head, keeping her hand over her mouth. He noticed this and frowned.

"Here, let's go to the bathroom," he took her free hand and helped her to stand up slowly.

When she was out of bed, Riki put his arm around her waist and led her out of the bedroom. When the two came out, everyone looked up. Once she was out and closer to the food, the nausea got worse.

"Eugh.." she mumbled, feeling her stomach heave.

Riki quickly got her to the bathroom just in the nick of time. Once he made sure she was safely in front of the toilet, he left to give her privacy, closing the door.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" Jungwon asked when he came to the kitchen.

"I think the food made her sick. Maybe we should make her something else. I don't want her feeling like she has to eat this, because we made it. And then she gets sick again," Riki explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No need to worry about that. I already made her something different. Let's just hope she can keep it down," Jay said, sighing as he brought out some plates and carried them outside.

Everyone had gathered outside, when she came out. Amara stepped outside carefully, sighing. Now that she was in fresh air and outside, the smell wasn't as bad.

"You feeling okay?" Sunghoon asked her, being the first to notice her come out.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry," she mumbled, feeling terrible about getting sick from their cooking.

"Don't be silly. It's what comes with being pregnant. You can never know which foods make you sick, unless you eat them or smell them," Seonwoo smiled in her direction.

"Sit down, love. I got you some water," Sunghoon said, pulling out the chair next to him.

She slowly sank into the seat, sniffling a little. He handed her the glass of water. She took a few drinks from it, putting it down.

"And I made you this. Hopefully you can keep it down," Jay said, reaching over and putting a bowl of ramen in front of her.

It was a medium bowl, so there wasn't too much of a serving. She smiled.

"Thank you, Jay," she said,

He gave her a playful wink, smiling.

Everyone had a nice dinner. Amara managed to keep the ramen down, which was great. She was happy that she didn't end up getting sick again.

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