Chapter 31

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After the incident, Amara had lost track of when the breakup took place, she was even beginning to forget about being depressed. Enhypen had somehow convinced her to be around them again, even though she tried to avoid it. But, they had powerful convincing abilities. All they had to do was get Riki and Seonwoo to pout and give her those puppy dog eyes, to get her to be around them again. Besides, when it came down to them, she was easy to convince.

Currently, she was sitting in her apartment. Her tv was playing, but she wasn't paying attention to it. Not really. She was scrolling through her phone, wondering what she should eat. She was beginning to have cravings now. So far, it wasn't anything weird. She sighed heavily as she didn't see anything she wanted.

She was also a bit distracted, as she couldn't stop thinking about what Beomgyu had said. She sat there for a moment, figuring out what it was she was craving. The idea of ice cream sounded good. But, it needed to be mint chocolate ice cream. And she wanted strawberry milk. As well as banana milk. She also wanted to have a strawberry and whipped cream sandwich on milk bread. Thinking about that, had her mouth watering.

Amara got up from the couch and grabbed her jacket off the back of her couch. She was putting it on, when there was a knock on her door. She was surprised by that. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Surprise!" Several voices said loudly.

She let out a surprised yell, stumbling away. Standing outside of her apartment, was Enhypen. She stared at them all, confused as hell.

"Sorry, did we scare you?" Jay said, laughing at her reaction.

"It's alright. I just wasn't expecting you guys," Amara said, her heart calming down back to a normal rate.

"What are you guys doing here? It's late," she continued, fixing some of her hair.

"We wanted to bring you some food. We figured you were hungry and hadn't eaten yet,"

Riki held up a couple bags of food from a store.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you guys. It means a lot, thank you," She smiled softly, taking the bag he offered to her.

"We're coming in as well," he said, patting her head and walking into her apartment.

Before she could say anything to protest otherwise, they all came inside. Amara watched them pile in and smiled softly. She closed the door, following them. She was about to open the bag and look inside, when arms went around her and picked her up. She let out a shriek of surprise at the sudden lack of the floor under her.

"You really shouldn't be walking, you know. You'll make your feet swell up. Your legs too," Jake said, carrying her into the living room.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she wondered,

"You're pregnant. If you walk too much, you'll make your legs and feet swell up. What else would I mean?" he said, giving her that bright smile of his.

"Excuse you! I'm not that pregnant yet, Jaeyun! I'm only 2 months!" she said loudly and wiggled in his arms, trying to get him to let go.

He stopped walking and put her down. But, he didn't let her go. Jake put his hands on her face, making her a little surprised. She looked up at him, confused.

"I'm only messing with you, love. I wanted to see your smile, and I did," he said, chuckling.

She stared at him, her confusion turning into being flustered. He leaned down to her level, placing a kiss on her forehead. He smiled and took his hands from her face, walking past her. When she got over being flustered, she pouted.

"You're such a bully, Jaeyun! I hate you!" she yelled after him, throwing a pack of mochi at him.

He laughed loudly and ran into the living room. She glared after him, huffing loudly and pouting again. He was always such a flirt and it never failed to make her embarrassed. There has yet to be a day, where Jake never made her blush or get all flustered.

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