Chapter 1

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The bedroom was completely silent, until an alarm suddenly blared. It scared Amara awake out of a deep sleep. She released a surprised noise, jerking up from her sleep. She slowly brought her hands out of the blankets, putting them on her face. She ignored the alarm and pulled the blanket over her head, rolling over. Shortly after, the bedroom door opened.

"Baby, it's time to wake up!" A male voice said.

She ignored him as well, as her alarm continued to go off. One of her boyfriends walked over to the bed, picking up her phone and turning the alarm off. He put her phone back down. He tried to pull the blankets off of her, but she gripped them tightly to keep them on her. When he couldn't get them off, he resorted to climbing into the bed with her and laid on top of her. His weight made her grunt tiredly.

"Nnng, Kai get off of me." She mumbled from the blankets.

"Not until you wake up!" He said in a cheerful voice, sprawling himself over her.

She wiggled underneath him and eventually he ended up falling off of her, hitting the bed beside her. He looked at her and huffed. He rolled over on to his side, facing her. Or so he assumed anyway. He would just wait. She would eventually check to see if he was still there. Which is exactly what she did, not too long after. She wasn't a morning person, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed being woken up by him or the others. Amara slowly pulled the blankets down, until only her eyes were showing. When he saw her do this, a smile appeared on his lips. Kai had been admiring her.

"There you are. Are you awake?" He asked, keeping his smile.

She waited a second, before shaking her head. He chuckled at her actions. He sat up and threw his arms around her, making her grunt again.

"Come on, get up. I want us to have breakfast before I go into work!" He said, before letting go of her and sitting up.

He got out of her bed and made his way to her door. Until he turned around, just in time to see her pull the blankets back over her head.

"Aish!" He said, throwing his head back.

Kai went back over to her bed. He grabbed the blankets and swiftly pulled them off of her, catching her off guard. She let out a surprised cry at the sudden lack of blankets and warmth.

"Get up, you lazy!" He said loudly, grabbing one of her hands.

"No, I want to stay in bed!" Amara whined, curling up and trying to be dead weight.

That didn't stop him. He might've been the youngest, but he was pretty strong. He let go of her hand and suddenly picked her up. She cried out again, not expecting that.

"Kai, put me down!" Amara protested as he carried her out of her bedroom.

He ignored her and only laughed happily at her reactions. He got to the front of her apartment, going into the kitchen. He used his foot to pull out one of the chairs at the dining table. He sat her down and left her to bring the food he'd cooked. When he came back, he saw her pouting. Kai chuckled at her expression, putting her food in front of her. He sat in the chair next to her. She looked at the food, to see he'd made a simple breakfast. It was some rice and egg sandwiches. Amara yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She finally picked up her utensils and began to eat. The two of them spent breakfast together, eventually having a quiet conversation about random things.

Once they'd finished their breakfast, Amara took the dishes to the sink. She turned the water on and began rinsing them. She yawned again, shaking her head. Kai approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Since he was 6'0, he towered over her 5'5 figure by a lot. He rested his chin on her shoulder, watching her rinse off the last couple of dishes. When she finished, she turned the water off and dried off her hands. As soon as she had finished, he put his hands on her waist, turning her around to face him.

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