Chapter 14

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Not even a couple of days later, Amara had been dragged out of her apartment again. This time by Jay. When she refused, as she was feeling very depressed that day, he refused to take that as an answer. He eventually convinced her to go out. Now, they were out shopping. The two of them were standing in an expensive store, with her feeling uncomfortable.

She couldn't afford any of the clothing. But, that wasn't a problem either. Because Jay was picking out some clothes for her. She tried to refuse that as well, but he ignored her attempts at that. After the first couple of tries, she gave up and just let him do whatever. So now, she was just looking at her phone while he rummaged through a rack.

"Amara," a voice said, surprising her.

She looked up from her phone and widened her eyes. Yeonjun was standing down the aisle from her. He looked just as surprised to see her. Her surprise was gone in an instant and replaced with sadness. She stared at him, frowning.

"Hi," she mumbled, looking away from him. Of course he had to be in this store.

"What are you doing here? You don't like expensive clothing," he said, continuing the conversation.

She was silent, not sure whether she should answer or not. Should she tell him the truth and tell him she was with Jay? Or should she be rude and tell him to screw off? While she was thinking this, she didn't have to answer.

Jay came around the corner and saw him. He frowned and walked over quickly, putting an arm around Amara. This surprised Yeonjun even more, as he looked at him.

"Jay? What are you--"

Jay pushed past him, bringing Amara with him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," Yeonjun said, grabbing her hand gently.

She acted quickly and yanked her hand away from his. He stared at her in shock, having not expected that. "Don't touch me,"

Yeonjun frowned, hearing it. "But, I--"

"Come on, Amara. Let's go home," Jay said, interrupting him.

"No, don't. I need to talk to her," Yeonjun said, walking after them.

Jay handed the clothes to the cashier, pulling out his card. He quickly paid for the clothes, taking the bag she handed him. They walked out of the store, followed by Yeonjun.

"Just let me talk to her. It's really important," he tells them, trying to get them to stop.

They did, but not for the reason he was hoping. Jay turned around and glared at him, putting his hand on the older's chest, preventing him from coming any closer.

"You're not talking to her," he said.

"Who are you to tell me that I can't?" Yeonjun scoffed,

"Because you dumped her! All of you did! The second you left her alone, is when you lost any and all rights to ever speak to her! And that's not even my doing, that's yours! You made yourselves lose that right! I'm only protecting her," Jay snapped at him, catching the other off guard.

"Amara, please let me talk to you," Yeonjun looked at her.

She frowned and avoided looking at him. She couldn't. If she did, she'd start crying. She was already trying to hold back her tears. After a moment, she spoke.

"There's nothing to talk about, Yeonjun," She said, having to choke out her words.

He frowned at her words. Jay moved away from him and put his arm back around her.

"Come on, let's go home," he said to her softly.

Yeonjun was left behind, watching as they walked away. He could feel his heart break a little. Not from her refusing to talk to him. But, from the fact that him and the others had broken hers completely. He watched as they disappeared around a corner. He sighed softly and went in the opposite direction.

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