"Okay, go and grab your pillows, and go to the toilet if you need it,"

She left, and Sierra slipped her pjs on, grabbing her pillows. Then, she gave me a kiss and giggled slightly, brushing hair from my face.

"I will see you in the morning, maybe,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

She shuffled past Gabi, who crawled into bed and attached herself to my side, and shut the door behind her.

"It's okay," I soothed, feeing her chest rising and falling rapidly.


"I think we just need to rest,"

"Yeah. What are we meant to do about the cabin? With all my friends?"

"I think you will be okay, and if not then we can reorganise it, that's no problem,"

"Okay... Maddox wants me to visit her family,"

"That'll be nice, I can book a hotel nearby, maybe with Sierra, just incase,"

She nodded into my chest and I tucked her into the cover, rubbing her back as she tried to go back to sleep.

I was feeling a little deflated that she was still so sick, and having nightmares again.

And I was disappointed on her behalf that so far, being 18 was turning out to be shitty, even though right now in my arms she still felt like my little girl, and I knew she had plenty of time to adult.

But doing anything fun right now was off the table- this surgery had tested my patience like none of her others before.

In the morning, Sierra woke me up with a coffee before she left, and had already sorted Gabi out with a smoothie.

She sat up beside me, perky, sipping it through a straw.

"Good morning sweetheart,"

"Morning. I feel a bit better,"


"I think I would like to go to the garden with Petunia, and try and walk a bit more,"

"Yeah, I think it's a good time to build your strength up," Sierra said, "You have a blood test at 2pm,"


"I know, but your catheter is coming out!"

"So no more blood tests?"

"No more regular ones, well... down to weekly,"

"I don't think you know the definition of regular," Gabi scoffed, "You're being greedy!"

"Trust me, Gabi, we do not want your blood,"


Sierra grinned and kissed me, then picked up her bag and left, Gabi pretending to throw up.

"You can't do that everytime!"

"Yes I can,"

"No you can't, because if I did it everytime I saw your hickey you'd be fed up,"

She lifted her hand to her neck and went bright red, but I just laughed to myself and drank my coffee. Two could play that game.

"Is Maddox coming over tonight?"

"Yes. Michael is bringing her,"


"She likes him,"

"So do you. It's cos he is good with babies,"

She pulled a face at me and whacked my arm, then did it again when I laughed.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"

"Can we have breakfast?"

"Yeah. What are you making?"

"I am limited to cereal,"

"Damn. Guess we are gonna have to go and find somewhere to eat breakfast,"

"I'm not feeling that much better,"

"You're still too sick to shop?"

"I don't want to shop again,"


"My jeans don't fit,"

"That just sounds like a good reason to shop," I said, "Mine don't really fit either. Let's get new jeans,"


"I'll throw in two pairs,"


"Good. Because I feel like I really need some retail therapy,"

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