it's too cold for you here (so now and let me hold) | kenny omega

Start from the beginning

he was just lounging around in the living room, scrolling on his phone and drinking something green and healthy-looking. from where you were at the doorway, you spotted something that looked like little bits of leaves in the glass he drank from. a healthy shake of sorts, perhaps? you couldn't focus too much on that though, he didn't spot you immediately. his arms, those biceps flexed as he reached the glass to his lips, pink and plump and flat out pretty. his tongue flicked out to lick at the liquid he was not able to catch inside his mouth.

you gulped, finally snapping out of your trance and putting a stop at your ogling. it was then your eyes met, rising from their initial position at the exact same time. his were blue and intense and made you shiver. the fact that he didn't speak much didn't help your nerves. he only greeted you with a slight nod of his head - if you weren't staring at him, you would have missed it - "you must be my roommate. my name's kenny."

nothing about that changed at all, even though it's been quite a few months you two were assigned by the university's faculty to be roommates. he was quiet, only speaking when he had to or when with his friends. or when he's sitting down crossed legged on the carpet, playing some video game. usually it was final fantasy, but it seemed like he enjoyed all of it. outside of those times, he didn't utter a peep unless he had to.

all in all, he was a good roommate, definitely could've been better - you would be lying if you said you didn't want to befriend the man - but definitely could have been worse -- someone in your class was stuck with an annoying roommate who did nothing but pull pranks on him. one time he walked in class, sat down on his usual seat next to you. his messy, wavy hair that was a light brown color was streaked with white. sticky and had an odd smell to it. when you glanced at him, he only shook his head and muttered "don't even ask."

he wasn't around in the dorm a lot. you didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. you didn't know what course he took and you guessed it was a light one because every time you were walking around campus, from room to room to the canteen to the library to another room, he was in the gym. you wondered if he even studied, or if he did, was he actually pursuing a degree, or just wants experience with the sports he played so he could do it professionally.  kenny left early to go on his daily morning jog, and went back late at night. most of the time, you were already asleep by the time he got back, except for whenever it was exam season or if you were staying up to do a project. then you always saw him walking through the door. it seemed like he came from practice, sweaty and hair disheveled.

he kept to himself, never made indecent remarks or comments to you though the first night you stayed in the dorm, you forgot you weren't in the desired privacy of your house anymore and wore a pair of short shorts to bed. you only noticed when you heard him choke on his water when he got to the bedroom. that night, he slept on his side, never once facing you, or your back.

but the thing you liked the most about kenny? he never brought a girl home -- or to the dorm, to be more accurate. he had the looks for it, certainly, and being a jock, the first time you saw him, you assumed you had to buy a pair of heavy duty earplugs. thankfully not, now you can spend all that money on cheap instant ramen. you didn't know if that was because he took them to their dorm, or because he simply wasn't interested, regardless of his reasoning, you were grateful.

this meant that most of the time, most of the time, it wasn't noisy in your dorm. especially in the bedroom of your dorm. a lot of the time, all that could be heard was rapid typing on a keyboard and that often came from you when you have extra homework or if you had exams coming up. one day, you mustered up all the courage to go talk to your bulky, six foot something roommate to go ask him about it, if it bothers him and keeps him from sleep. he did nothing but shake his head. "don't worry about it. it's kind of relaxing, actually."

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