Chapter 32

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Cass' Pov

It's been a month and a bit since Harry woke up and his progress is amazing. He is basically completely healed. The doctor still has him on some light medication because of the impact the truck had on his car. Harry and I are at the best place we have ever been, I'm at the best place I've ever been. All that guilt I once had is completely gone. The three of us have talked, yes Harry, Louis and I talked it over. Louis even confessed to Eleanor and they worked it out. The two of them come over for dinner a lot and they, like Harry and I, are in the best place they could be in their relationship. If you were to ask me I'd tell you that life is amazing right now. Harry released his first single and the feed back is massive. Seeing him smile like he does every second of every day is the best gift anyone could ever recieve.

Today was a really bad storm and no one was going to work. Harry had a meeting but he had to cancel because we couldnt even get the car out of the driveway. So we are spending the day in our favourite way, cuddling all snug in bed. The fire place is on making the room warm and his hold around me makes me even more comfortable. Our legs are intertwined and my arms are wrapped around his neck as my face leans into his chest. His arms are around my waist as his cold hands dig into my skin. In other words, our favourite position to be in.

I pulled my face back and brushed some curls out of his face as he starred down at me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me making my eyes dart up to his.

"Honestly?" I asked. He nodded and I ran my thumb over his cheek. "How lucky I am that you woke up." I said making him close his eyes. He tightened his grip on me and pulled me into his chest again as we were back in that position. He moved his hands up to play with my hair. He took a deep breath and hot air trickled on my neck. He started humming and immediatly I knew what he was doing.

"Cause it's written on my hand. I want it written on your body yeah, written on your soul. Singing your love makes me a different man. I want it sewn into my body, I want it sewn into me." He sang quietly in my ear making me smile. Neither of us ever said it but I always pictured this to be mine and Harry's song. After he sang it to me on his porch I would hear it and automatically think of him. I tightened my grip around him and kissed him neck hearing him chuckle softly as I flicked my tongue across the skin tickling him slightly. He began squeezing onto my hip causing me to twitch.

"Stop!" I said laughing trying to wiggle away from him but he held onto me tightly. Eventually I got away from him and I got up off the bed. He got up on his knees and shifted for me trying to grab my hips. I squealed and ran out of the room and down the hall way. I heard him jump off the bed and run out of the room. A game of chase was on. I sprinted all the way down the hall way and down the stairs but he was hot on my trail. Laughter boomed throughout the house as he continued to chase me. I ran around the corner towards the living room and stopped dead in my tracks causing him to slow down behind me. My jaw fell open as I looked at the set up in the living room. Our large decorated christmas tree was still in the corner by the fireplace but the couches were moved aside along with the large coffee table. In the middle of that area was a picnic blanket with plates, wine glasses and wine set out. I turned around to face him and he was closer then I thought. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my hands came to his chest as I smiled up at him.

"What is this all for?" I asked making him smile as he brought his forehead down to us.

"Just because." He said kissing my nose. I smiled as he interlocked his fingers with me and directed me towards the picnic blanket. He motioned for me to sit and I obeyed him and then he went into the kitchen. I watched as he took something out of the oven. It was lasagna. I laughed loudly causing him to chuckle as he brought the hot dish over along with some salad.

"I thought we would try this again." He said laughing as he placed the lasagne and salad down. It semed like so long ago since we attempted this the first time and he burnt the lasagna so we had to order. He smiled at me and poured us some wine then held his glass up towards me. I held mine up and he chuckled.

"to us." He said smiling.

"to us." I repeated and our glasses met making a loud noise. I took a sip of the wine and set it down as he cut the lasagna up and put it on my plate for me.

"Thank you sir." I said laughing as he did the same for himself.

It took us so long to finish the dinner because we kept joking around causing us to forget about the food. But once we finally did finish I was stuffed but wanted more, he really was a really good cook.

"thank you so much for doing this just because Harry." I said leaning forward. He smiled and met my lips half way and crashed his to mine. His hand traveled up and gently grabbed my neck pulling me in even closer so he could deepen the kiss. After a while of this he pulled away leaving me wanting more.

"Well it wasnt necessarly for nothing." He said smiling at me making me raise one eye brow. He laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me up with him. I watched him kind of nervous as he laughed kissing my cheek.

"Calm down love." He said into my ear making me laugh. He grabbed a hold of one of my hands and smiled down at me.

"Cass, I just have so much to thank you for. You've made a lot of things possible for me in my life and you've shaped me into who I am today. I have never loved someone as much as you. You're my bestfriend and I can be my complete self around you and you dont judge me at all." He said.

"Harry what are you." He cut me off there by putting his index finger on my lip and laughing.

"Let me finish." He said quietly making me laugh.

"After I woke up I was able to appreciate what I had even more. The thought of you loosing me like that or me being torn from you again makes me sick. I dont think I could handle being apart from you anymore." He said stopping making me smile at all the beautiful things he was saying. He reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled a small blue box out and held it up. He smiled widely as he dropped to one knee making my free hand come up to my mouth as he gasped. He popped the box open with his fingers and held it up so I could see it. Tears filled my eyes and it was almost impossible to see.

"Cassidy, will you do me the great honour in marrying me?" He asked making the tears fall out of my eyes. I nodded quickly and the smile on my lips some how grew.

"Of course." I said making him smile. He stood up and took my left hand sliding the ring up my ring finger. I starred down at it completely shocked as the diamond twinkled from the lights off the christmas tree. I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly squeezing him as I shut my eyes causing more tears to fall out. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and picked me up making me smile.

"I love you so much." He said squeezing me. I pulled my head back and looked into his eyes smiling.

"I love you too." I said before bringing my lips to his for a desired kiss. The thought was slowly starting to process through my mind, in the near future I'd be walking down the aisle seeing Harry starring back at me and only me as a priest prepared to marry us. I'd be spending the rest of my life with him as I always hoped.


A/N :

I cried, I cried, I cried.

second last chapter <3 Okay I know it was short but the next one is long promiseee.

Hope you guys enjoyed it I'm sure you can guess what the next and last chapter will be which made me cry even harder.

Accidentally in love (Harry Styles fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora