Chapter 15

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Harry's pov.

The next morning went slowly. There was just something about watching my best friend and his girlfriend move their things out as fast as they could that didn't excite me. I began to stress a little, I was going to need a steady job to help pay the rent. I didn't even have a clue as to what I wanted to do. I tried thinking it over but there was nothing that popped in my mind.

"Well that's the last of it." Louis said walking out of the hall. I nodded and stood up.

"Can't wait to see how your flat turns out lad." I said smiling. He hugged me and patted my back before walking down the stairs leaving me alone. I sighed and went over to my laptop that was sitting on the couch. I looked through my emails to see if I had any replies from the places I had applied earlier. No response. I looked at the corner of my laptop at the time, it was 4:30. She would be here at 6:00. I set my laptop aside and headed towards the bathroom so I could shower and get ready.

After I freshened up I stood in the kitchen pulling out all the things I would need. I just decided to make some lasagna because who doesn't like it. I prepared it all and set it in the oven putting a timer on so I could check it.

About half an hour later there was a knock on the door. I walked down the stairs quickly and opened the door unable to not smile. Her hair was straight and longer tonight. She was wearing a causal red dress but it was extremely sexy. Her figure was outlined by the dress that hung on her making my head spin.

"Do I look okay?" she asked putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You look amazing" I said running my eyes over her. She smiled and stepped in putting her hand on my shoulder and going on her tippy toes so she could kiss me. I closed the door behind her and took her hand as we headed upstairs.

"Is he all moved out?" she asked as we walked into the living room.

"Yeah." I said sighing. She sat down close beside me and brought her hand to my cheek pulling my lips to hers. I smiled as our tongues met right away. She pulled away smiling and rubbed some lipstick off of me making me laugh.

"What's for dinner? It smells good." she said smiling as she draped her legs over mine exposing some skin. I ran my hand along her smooth leg making goosebumps form on her leg.

"Lasagna." I said making her smile.

"My favorite." she said twirling one of my curls around her finger. I licked my lips watching as she bit down on her lip and placed her hand on my neck. I smiled bringing my forehead to hers watching as her chest rose and fell quickly as her heart beat sped up. I ran my thumb along her smooth bottom lip and she smiled.

"just kiss me already." she whispered making me chuckle. I smiled and brought her lips to mine unable to resist any longer. She inhaled deeply and tugged at my curls as I ran my hands down her back. I sat up and pushed her back down on the couch so I could hover over her. My hands ran down her sides stopping at her hips as my thumbs pressed into her sides making her giggle as I slightly tickled her. I pulled away smiling brushing the hair off of her shoulder. The hickey I had given her a few days prior was almost gone. I looked down at her and she bit on her lip as I brought my lips back down to the delicate skin. I sucked on the skin nipping it slightly making her buck her hips and her torso press to mine. I pulled away leaving the skin red. She shifted under me and grabbed the hems of my shirt and pulled them over my head with a little bit of my help. She ran her hands down my chest and pressed her knee against my slowly rising length making me groan slightly. She wrapped her hands around her neck and pulled her lips up to the skin that she had found was my sensitive spot. She kissed the skin delicately before slowly pinching the skin between her teeth.

"You drive me wild." I said in a low tone making her chuckle. She quickly brought her lips to mine and I reached my arms around her back pulling her on top of my lap as we continued kissing each other. the next thing I knew the loud piercing sound of the fire alarm went off making her pull away laughing loudly. She got off and I ran to the kitchen waving a towel In front of the smoke detector until she came in and helped. I opened the stove and a black cloud of smoke came out making me cough violently. I put an oven mitt on and pulled the ruined lasagna out. She ran over to the side door and opened it to get some air in the house. She walked to my side and I sighed looking over at her.

"I like Chinese food." she said shrugging making me laugh.

"Me too." I said smiling. She reached over the counter and handed me the phone making me chuckle as I dialed the number to the Chinese restaurant not far from here.

"this is actually maybe a bit better then lasagna." she said laughing as we sat on the dinning table eating the take out we got.

"Agreed." I said laughing. "I'm just a little disappointed I fucked up." I said trying to laugh it off.

"hey." she said putting her tiny hand ontop of mine. "You tried for me, that means a lot. So what if you can't cook." she said making me laugh.

"you're the best." I said bringing her hand up and kissing it.

"I know." she said laughing making me laugh along with her.

After dinner we cuddled up on the couch and we decided on a movie. She promised she wouldn't fall asleep on me this time but that's exactly what she did. As the end credits came up I smiled and turned the tv off looking down at her. She was lying on my lap with her head to the tv. I ran my fingers along the side of her face and brushed the hair out of her face seeing the new purple hickey. I leaned down and kissed her bare shoulder making her twitch.

"You fell asleep on me." I said watching a smile creep on her face.

"I'm sorry." she said In a tired voice as she turned to lie on her back and look at me.

"It's fine." I said laughing. She paused before continuing on.

"Can I have some clothes to change into?" she asked making my eyes widen slightly.

"Yeah sure." I said as she stood up. I don't know why I was so surprised. I mean she's stayed the night here before and I've stayed there but this time it seemed different. I took her hand and she followed me down the hall into my room. I threw her a shirt and she looked at it then back up at me.

"No pants?" she asked making me laugh.

"Nope". I said making her laugh.

"Well atleast look away." she said making me sigh.

"Fine." I said making her laugh. I turned around and pulled my shirt of and pants down. When I turned back around she was standing on the other side of my bed pulling the sheets down. I smiled and walked to the other end pulling the sheets down on my side. We crawled into be and faced eachother smiling. I put a strand of hair behind her ear admiring her beauty.

"Can we just talk? I'm not that tired." she said making me laugh. She wasn't tired because she had slept the entire movie. I nodded and she shifted in the bed smiling like a little kid.

We talked for two hours, all though it didn't feel like it. Talking to her was simple. It's like I could tell her anything and she would listen and not judge and understand. I learned a lot more about her mum and stuff back at home. She told me about the last boyfriend she had, he cheated on her leaving with trust issues. I promised her I would never hurt her and she smiled lying her head down on my chest as I played with her hair. It was the first silence all night.

"I know you would never hurt me." she said tracing some tattoos on my arm. I kissed her head and lied it back down watching her get fascinated by the tattoos. I told her about every single one before both of us crashed.

Accidentally in love (Harry Styles fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant