Chapter 29

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Harry's pov

This entire week Cass has been off, in the sense of acting weird. We live together and we barely talk. She's short with me and avoids eye contact. When I try to ask her about it she just says that she's tired or she's sick and she goes off to bed. I can't squeeze it out of her and it just makes me even more mad. It's like she's afriad to even look at me, and I have no idea why.

I dragged my feet down the hall to the front door and opened it to get the mail. Normally there wasnt much, just bills and stuff. But today wasnt the case. I pulled out a large package that was adressed to Cassidy. I flipped it over and the first thing that caught my attention was where the letter was from, the University of Juilliard. Did she apply there..? She couldnt have, she didnt even mention to me that she was looking at the school. Cass didnt even mention to me that she was looking into schools to go to let alone Juilliard. I scanned my eyes over the seal, should I open it? Well curiosity killed the cat and I opened it. Want to know what my eyes first fell onto on the letter? The word "accepted". She got in. Was she planning on moving out? She was going to live with me for a little bit and then just pack up and go to Juilliard. Maybe it was her plan this entire time, to come here for a little bit then move back to america.

"Harry." I heard her call for me. I slammed the mailbox shut and stuffed the letter in the side of my pants so it stayed there hidden away.

"Down here." I called as I walked into the kitchen trying to come up with what I was going to say. I knew she would be mad I snooped, but I would be the one thats more mad in this situation. She didnt even tell me she applied to Juilliard.

"Hey." She said smiling as she walked into the kitchen. I just smirked not even acknowledging the fact that she shirt was exposing half of her bra. "I need to talk to you." She said quietly. Hell yeah you do you haave alot of explaining to do. I pointed to the chair and she sat down sighing. I leaned on one side prepared to pull the letter out. She looked down aat her hands and bit on her bottom lip.

"I dont even know where to begin." She said quietly. Maybe with "I applied to Juilliard behind your back." "Just no nothing actually happened." She added making me raise one eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused now. She swallowed and slowly met my gaze, she only had one expression; guilt.

"Last week when Louis came over..." She said pausing. "He was just being nice, and listening to me and well nothing happened. But something almost happened." She said beating arund the bush.

"What are you talking about...?" I asked leaning on the counter watching her carefully. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Louis and I almost kissed." She said quietly making me stand up slowly. My mouth hung open and I was at a loss for words. My 'best friend' tried hooking up with my girlfriend, and by her using the word "almost" does that mean she didnt stop him? Was I the one that stopped him when I came home. I starred at the coounter not knowing what to say, do I yell?

"Say something." She said making my gaze convert to her. My breath started to deepen and my heart beat hightened. I pulled the letter out of my side and threw it on the counter. She looked down at the letter and back up at me shocked. I saw small tears forming in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off.

"You got in. Congrats." I said in a mono tone voice before walking past her and heading to the door. She got up off her chair and I could hear her running after me but I kept my steady speed towards the door. I opened it pulling my jacket on and headed down the path towards the car.

"Harry wait! Where are you going?" She yelled running outside.

"A drive." I yelled back stopping and turning to face her. She stopped dead in her tracks starring at me as tears clouded over her eyes.

"Cant we just talk about this? I can explain everything!" She said begging.

"Go talk to Louis about it" I spat making her shake. I turned around and kept a fast pace to the car. She just stood there as I opened the door.

"Im sorry." She said loudly beginning to cry.

"Maybe this time you can actually kiss Louis, I wont be there to interupt." I said getting in and slamming the door behind me. I backed out of the driveway leaving her standing there, balling.

I didnt even know where I was going. Anywhere was fine to me. I was just so pissed I needed to get out. My hand held the steering wheel so tightly it began to cramp. I loosened my grip and leaned back in the chair starting to feel the guilt rush over me. I didnt even stop to hear her story and I made her cry. Maybe she just wanted to apply to see if she got in. Maybe Louis was the one that made all the moves and she didnt know what to do. Maybe me coming home when I did saved her. But I didnt say to hear her story, everyone has their side of the story and I just stormed off. Maybe I owed her atleast to hear the story she was going to tell me, she said she could explain something. I slammed on the breaks and did a U-turn heading back towards the house speeding there just wanting to comfort her as she cried. I was too focused on speeding home that I didnt realize that the light turned yellow, as I reached it it turned red and I continued through. That was until I reached the middle of the intersection and a horn sounded causing me to snap my head to the right. A truck was heading right at me. I tried to get out of the way but it was no use. In the next second it smashed against my car and my head made forceful contact with the side causing me to black out. The last thing I thought of was her crying face before I felt myself slip and the sound of horns pierce through my ears.


A/N :

Yup, and the tears streamed down my face.

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