Chapter 14

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Cass' pov

I left Harry's and drove back home with a smile on my face the entire way. We had decided that tomorrow, after Louis was all moved out, I'd go over. I tried to get him to come over so I could make dinner but he refused, he wants me there and said he will make me dinner. I kept comparing the way I felt about london ,only a little less then a month ago, to now. I hated it and wanted to leave, now I love it and never want to leave. And that was all due to Harry. I never expected someone to come into my life and make this impact. I never expected to want to be by someone's side 24/7 like I do with Harry. I hated leaving his flat or when he left mine because the moments we weren't together was wasted.

I got home and walked in to find everyone in the backyard. I kicked my converse off and headed out to the back. I regretted the decision to wear a hoodie as soon as I walked into the back yard. The sun was right above and beating down on the deck. I pulled the hoodie off feeling relieved in only a Tanktop.

"So." sarah said looking Over at me from a lawn chair. She was lied out reading a magazine as my dad and Jack played in the pool. I joined sarah and sat down smiling.

"Everything's fine." I said making her smile widely.

"Good!" she said happily.

"Cassie Im sorry." my dad said getting out of the pool at walking over.

"It's fine dad, I probably should have told him earlier." I said laughing at myself.

"Oh!" sarah said sitting up straight. "Before I forget, you have a fitting Monday." she said making me raise one eyebrow.

"A fitting?" I asked looking up at my dad. He smiled and Sarah took my hand.

"Id love for you to be a bridesmaid in the wedding." she said making my eyes widen. I really did not expect to be in the wedding at all.

"Id love to." I said making her smile. She leaned forward and pulled me Ito a huge thanking me.

We had a big family dinner, something I hadnt had in a long time. There was something about sitting around the large dinning table full of food and laughter that made me have a sense of happiness.

"Thanks for dinner dad." I said kissing my dad on the cheek quickly then running upstairs.

"where are you going?" he yelled.

"To call harry!" I yelled as i got into my room. I retrieved my phone from the charger and there was already a text from him.

"Skype me when you get this xx." I smile and set my phone down then picked my laptop up off the floor and sat on my bed hitting the Skype button and calling him.

Harry and I had been skyping for hours. talking to him was so easy, time flew.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning Lying down in my bed.

"10, don't tell me you're tired." he said laughing.

"sort of." I said laughing placing the laptop down on my pillow and turning on my side to face it. He did the same making me laugh.

"I wish we were actually cuddling." he said frowning making me laugh.

"So come over." I said.

"I can't, we will fall asleep." he replied.

"and that's bad how?" I asked laughing.

"I have to help Lou pack in the morning." he said making me nod. He looked upset just at bringing it up.

"You going to be okay? Do you want me to come?" I asked wanting to be there to comfort him. I knew it would kill him watching his best friend love the idea that he was moving out and in with his girlfriend.

"No I'll be fine, come over around 6 though?" he asked making me smile.

"I'll be there, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Surprise. Even though I know you hate them." he said laughing making me laugh as I thought about our first date when I stated my hate for surprises.

"You were so into me that night." I said flipping my hair making him laugh.

"you had me captivated." He said sweetly making me smile. There was silence before I let anther yawn out.

"Get some sleep love." he said smiling.

"Good night Harry." I said smiling.

"night." he said smiling back before I closed my laptop.


Authors note :

Sorry this chapter was short and boring guys, just setting it up for the next few chapters. Have a lot planed :) thanks for all the feed back!

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