Chapter 11

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Harry's pov

I got the call from Cass shortly after I left. Her dad invited me over for their dinner party which gave me mixed emotions. First I was so happy, this meant Cass had talked to him and worked things out. But I was also nervous, it meant he wanted to really get to know me. This must have been what Cass felt like when she was going to meet my family. My stomach turned and my head hurt at the thought. I don't know why, I mean I had meant them before. Maybe it was because that meant things were getting serious.

"Oi." Louis said loudly making me look up from my phone.

"What?" I asked putting it in my back pocket.

"Can you put the phone down for five seconds and tell me what you think of this one?" he asked motioning to the new flat we were standing in.

"it's nice." I said nodding. It was nice, no doubt about it. A lot nicer then the one we lived in. But he would be living in this one with Eleanor. Maybe I was just jealous.

"It's a 40 minute drive harry." he said interrupting my thoughts.

"I know Lou, I'm happy for you." I said making him nod. He cleared his throat and asked the real estate guy for the papers. He was buying it.

I got home and stood looking in my closet on what to wear. Cass told me to dress up, which I wasnt surprised at. Her family seemed formal. My eyes skimmed over the dress shirts in my closet. I pulled out a white one and pulled it On buttoning it up and pulled on black dress pants. I did my shoes up then I was off. The entire way there I rehearsed conversations in my head because I was so nervous. But I knew once I saw Cass all those nerves would just go away.

I pulled up in the drive way surprised there was a spot do to the amount of cars on the street. I walked up to the door and knocked on it heavily waiting for an answer. The door opened and Cass stood smiling in front of me. She was wearing a black dress but this time the sleeves went to the ends of her shoulders, the neckline was high, it was tight until under her chest and then flowed out to just above her knees. She looked stunning.

"You look beautiful." I said putting my hand on her back and pulling her in for a quick kiss.

"Thank you, you look great dressed up." She said winking at me making me laugh as I thanked her. She stepped aside to let me in. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that she was in high heels and I still towered over her. She smiled up at me and took my hand directing me down the hall and into the large kitchen that was pretty full with people. The back door was open allowing fresh air throughout the kitchen and people were on the deck and in the backyard. We found sarah and her father.

"Ah harry." her dad said shaking my hand.

"Nice to see you Mr. --" he cut me off.

"Please, call me Alan." he said making me nod.

"Alan." I said smiling. "You look lovely sarah." I said Hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"Well thank you Harry you look quiet dashing." she complimented making me smile.

"Harry come with me, we can get a drink and I want to introduce you to some people." Alan said. I kissed Cass and left her with sarah following Alan. We got ourselves some beer and then he introduced me to alot of people in his work field.

"Tim! This is my girls boyfriend, Harry." he said introducing me to a large man.

"nice to meet you son." he said shaking my hand.

"you too." I said nodding. This repeated a few times as I went around getting introduced to all the men.

"What exactly do you do Alan?" I asked noticing I didn't know. We walked onto the deck. He leaned on the railing looking out at the back yard. I could tell he was proud of this party and house. He was proud he provided so well for his family.

"I work for a major record label." he said making my eyes widen.

"Really!?" I asked with a hint of amazement to my voice.

"Yeah, you sing?" he asked taking a sip of his beer.

"Kind of, never performed or anything but I've been told I'm good." I said making him smile.

"Well I'd love to hear you sometime. Who knows, if you're good enough we could get you signed." he said making me gasp slightly.

"That'd be amazing!" I said as he patted my back.

"I just wanted to thank you Harry." he said making me give him a questionable look.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well I know you talked to Cassie. She's hated me since I left her mother." he said making me nod.

"I was in the same position as her once." I said telling him I understood. He shifted his feet looking out at the pool.

"And after Mary died it just left her broken." he said making me confused.

"Mary?" I asked.

"Her mother." he said making me step back.

"what?" I asked stuttering a bit. "She's dead?" I asked making him turn to look at me. He was hesitant.

"Cassidy didn't tell you.....?" he asked slowly. My head started to beat as the blood pumped throughout me.

"No. She didn't mention it." I said feeling myself sweat and my mouth get dry. She lied. She didn't tell me one of the biggest things in her life. She didn't think it was important to tell me her mother died.

"I have to go." I said walking off the deck. I heard Alan call for me but I kept walking. Cass spotted me and smiled standing up. I pushed past her and down the hall.

"Harry?" she yelled. I kept walking and pushed through the crowd to the front door. I slammed it behind me and cut across the yard to my car. I heard the door open and high heels hit against pavement.

"Harry!" she yelled. The high heels got louder as she caught up. Her hold grabbed onto me and she tugged at me as I continued to walk feeling my temperature raise.

"Harry." she repeated loudly. "For fuck sakes stop." she yelled. I stopped and turned to her appalled.

"Let go." I spat. I could see I had frightened her.

"What happened? What did my dad say? Whatever he said he's an idiot." she said.

"So he lied about your mum dying?" I asked loudly making her stand still and her eyes widen. She didn't know what to say, she was caught.

"Ha-arry I can explain." she stuttered.

"you can explain to me the fact that you lied about you mum being dead?" I yelled making her flinch. She looked at the ground biting on her lip.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you." she said quietly.

"Why!?" I yelled. "if you don't tell me now I'm leaving Cassidy." I added. She didn't say anything. I sighed and turned to my car to get it.

"Don't go." she said loudly. I didn't have to look to see she was crying. I shook my head and got in slamming the door. I backed up and took a look at her. She was standing in the driveway crying watching me go. I gripped on the steering wheel speeding down her street.

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