Chapter 1

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Alright so this is my first fan fiction and first time on wattpad so take it easy on me please. 

Comment and vote please as it lets me know that I'm doing something right :)  

All rights reserved.  

Im going to update as much as possible but with school it might be a while in between chapters.  

Eventually it will be getting a little more mature, so just a heads up.  


Bailey x


I dont know why everyone back home talked so highly of England. It was wet and cold. The sun was hidden by thick clouds making the scenery dull. Everywhere I looked I saw fields that were soaked with miserable cattle standing together getting drenched. I shuddered watching them walk around the fields they've grown up in only to be slaughtered. I sighed and turned looking straight ahead at the rain drops falling on the wind shield as each fought trying to push past the others. I did this when I was younger and it was the most amusing thing. Now I feel pathetic. I closed my eyes and tapped on my knee listening to wonder wall by oasis. I could hear my brothers high pitched voice from the back trying to talk to me and I could see the cab driver stare over at me wondering why I wasn't responding, but my brother would give it up at some point. I glanced over my left shoulder. Still cattle. I looked back at the white stripes on the road disappear under the car. I wonder how they do it here, you know, drive on the left side of the road. I felt a tap on my right shoulder causing me to roll my eyes. I yanked the head phones out of my ears.  

"What?" I snapped turning back to Jake who was leaning forward.  

"Do you think dad will recognize me?" he asked. I chucked a bit and turned back around.  

"obviously retard, it's only been a few years." I said rudely. I could see the cab driver shift awkwardly in his seat and he cleared his throat gripping in the steering wheel.  

"what?" I asked with a hint of politeness to my voice.  

"do you always talk to him like that? I mean he's your brother." he said looking over at me for a second.  

"do you have any siblings?" I asked making him look back over at me quickly.  

"no." He said quietly making me chuckle.  

"then you wouldn't understand." I said leaning back in the chair.  

"doesn't your mom knock some sense into you?" he asked sounding appalled. I didn't reply. Instead I put both of my earphones in my ear and turned the music up. But before I turned the volume up I heard Jakes squeaky voice say something causing the cab driver to look over at me. I rejected his glance and looked back out the window finding more cattle. I sighed feeling a pain in my gut grow. They had no idea they were brought up for murder. I shifted in my seat thinking of what they go through. This is why I'm vegetarian.

We slowly rolled into the community, gated of course. Sarah wouldn't have it any other way. Sarah is my dads new fiancée and she is the most annoying woman I've ever met. The best way I can describe her is a dumb blonde. We pulled up in front of the new house. I sighed looking at the size. I could hear my brother "ooo" and "ahh" as I took my headphones at.  

"well how much is it then?" I asked putting my phone into my bag and pulling my wallet out that was stacked with fresh bills. He didn't say anything he only pointed at the small screen above the radio. In red lights the amount laid out. 50.26 followed by a weird sign which I assumed was their currency. I handed him 60 and he starred at me with his hand opened, he wanted more.  

"have a great day." I said in a bitchy tone with a fake smile stretched across my face. I got out slamming the door behind me and walking back to the trunk. Jake was struggling with the suitcases trying to lift them out. I waved him away and pulled the suitcases out as he stood watching me. I heard a squeal and I looked over to see sarah running down the driveway. I sighed and slammed the trunk shut and turned to watch sarah wrap her arms around jake and kiss him multiple times on the head. She let go of him and smiled at me.  

"oh sweetie you're beautiful!" she said loudly as it was now my turn to be squeezed. I left my arms at my side rejecting the hug completely. She pulled away and called for my dad and of course he came running. Jake and him had a well needed reunion but I didn't feel one was necessary. I took the moment and grabbed my suitcase rolling it up the driveway towards the door.  

"Cassie wait up!" he yelled running after me. I continued walking but he caught up. 

"cassidy." I said quietly.  

"what?" he said walking up the driveway with me.  

"my names cassidy." I said stopping and looking at him. He stopped and nodded.  

"here I'll get that for you." he said reaching for my suitcase. I yanked it away and he starred at me puzzled.  

"I can do it myself, I've done lots of things for myself. You know, since you decided to leave us for all of this." I said motioning to the house. He straightened up and cleared his throat.  

"I didn't leave you for just this." he said defending himself.  

"that too." I said pointing to sarah, referring to his affair.  

"that's enough." he said sternly making me chuckle.  

"just to make this clear, if I had a choice I wouldn't be here right now." I said looking up at the man that was supposed To be my father.  

"you're 19, technically you have a choice." he said in a matter of factorly voice.  

"I wasn't leaving jake alone." I said picking my suitcase up and walked back up the steps to the door. I stopped and turned to him. "what ones my bedroom?" I asked. He smiled making me want to throw my suitcase at him.  

"upstairs, last on the left." he said. I nodded and turned around walking into the massive house that I had to now call mine, even if I didn't like it.

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