Chapter 3 part 2

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Part two. Harrys pov

I sat across from her in a booth and she was fighting to Look away from me. But she often would look down smiling a little or just look away entirely. This would drive most guys crazy, not me though. I craved for her attention. I loved a challenge, it made me that much more interested. If I succeed with getting her attention I feel as if hard work will pay off. Starring at each other was something we did best because both of us didn't want to look away. I never thought that people around us might think it looks weird, not much talking just starring. It just caused the tension between us to grow thicker, the sexual tension. I wanted nothing more then to lean over this table, grab her face and kiss her. It was hard not to. Cass was a beautiful girl. She looked away again, putting a strand of hair behind her ear exposing a tattoo under her ear. It was music notes that traveled up the back of her ear. I tilted my head looking at it extremely intrigued.

"you like music?" I asked pointing to her tattoo. She nodded smiling showing off her pearly white teeth.

"my mom taught me to play piano when I was 5, singing came along with that." she said surprising me, she was opening up about her past.

"did you entire family move out here?" I asked realizing I knew nothing about it. She shook her head slightly.

"just my brother and I, we came out here to live with my dad and his fiancée." she said making me realize.

"is your mom back in LA then?" I asked making her shift in her seat. She nodded.

"well if you ever want to talk about it I'm here." I said reaching forward and put my hand ontop of hers.

"you wouldn't understand." she said putting her hand in her lap.

"my parents are divorced, I get it Cass." I said watching her shake her head slightly. I didn't mean to upset her, I just wanted her to know someone's here for her. The waitress saved us and brought us our desserts. She set them down in front of us and left us alone again. Cass picked her fork up and took a bite out of her cake smiling at me in enjoyment. I chuckled and watched as she went in for more. I took my index finger and whipped some whip cream off the top of my cake then put my hand down under the table.

"youve got something on your cheek. " I said making her eyes widen.

"where?" she asked bringing the back of her hand to her cheek and rubbing.

"right here." I said taking me finger and smudging whip cream on her cheek making her gasp.

"hey!" she yelled making me laugh "get that off." she said laughing.

"come here then." I said motioning for her to lean forward. She smiled and leaned forward exposing some cleavage. I tried not to look as she turned so her cheek was facing me. I smiled and leaned forward kissing her cheek and sliding my tongue over her cheek rubbing off the whipcream. She laughed and pulled back rubbing her cheek with a napkin and then throwing the napkin at me causing me to laugh along. I think I had finally got to her, no more games.

After dinner we walked back to the car laughing and joking around. We decided it was getting late so I should probably drive her home, even though I didn't want to. The car ride home was nothing like the way here. It was filled with laughter, singing and occasionally stealing looks from each other. I knew I had cracked the surface . She was getting more comfortable with me, I was winning. I pulled into her drive way and looked over at her smiling.

"walk me up?" she asked smiling at me. I nodded and we got out of the car walking right beside each other up to the door.

"today was fun Harry, thank you." She said looking right up at me.

"Anytime." I said mirroring the smile back. We stood there for a few seconds just smiling like little kids, time I used to think or my next move. I figured I would just go for it. My hand went up to her neck and I pulled her into me placing a soft kiss on her mouth lingering for a bit before pulling away. She stood in front of me starring, my hand still on her neck.

"sorry. I just thought-t" I stuttered. A small smile creeped on her lips and she went on her tippy toes, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into her. Our smiles met an I placed my hands on her lower back bringing our torsos together so every inch of us was touching. We stayed like that for a bit, heavy breathing and pulling at each other before she pulled away leaning her forehead against mine.

"Ill call you tomorrow okay?" I felt a small nod against me making me smile. She pulled away looking up at me bitting on her bottom lip. I leaned in kissing her cheek.

"sweet dreams Cass." I said into her ear.

"night Harry." she said smiling at me once I pulled away. I watched her walk into the house and wave before shutting the door. I had officially gotten to her. I won.

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