Chapter 24

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Cass' pov

"Shoot." I said looking up at him. I could tell he was nervous because he but down on the insides of his cheeks. I put my hand on his chest as reassurance and he took a deep breath.

"Just hear me out okay." He said making me nod as I studied him. "I've saved up and there's this house I'm looking at. It's just outside of town up in a private area, it's big and it's really beautiful. But I can't live in it alone." He said stopping and looking down at me. I looked up at him shocked, was he asking what I think he was?

"Will you move in with me once I get it?" He asked. Yes, he was. I starred at him still shocked.

"Of course." I stuttered making him smile. His hand found my cheek and he brushed the soft skin slowly before bringing his fully lips to mine. He pulled away and pecked me before smiling. I brushed my nose against his and lied my head back onto his hard chest. He ran his hands through my hair and hummed in my ear. I basically lived with Harry already but now thinking about the fact that we would live together in our own house to call ours is insane. I never thought I'd have this reltionship with someone, not out here. I assumed that I would hate it here and after a while I'd move back home. Not that I'd love it here and move in with a boy I've grown to love.

"Can I see it?" I asked hearing him chuckle slightly.

"Not yet, it's a surprise." I groaned making him laugh loudly. He kissed my head and kept his lips there as he continued to brush his long fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, I know you hate surprises but you trust me now right?" He asked making me smile reminding me of our first date.

"I do now." I said feeling him kiss my head again. I smiled and leaned back into him thinking about how far we have come.

I woke up alone on the couch completley forgetting actually falling asleep. I sat up noticing that a blanket was placed over me. I smiled and took it off getting up and streching. I heard the soft sound of drumming coming from the back deck so I followed it. I reached the sliding door and he was sitting on a chair with his gutair facing away as he strummed. I smiled and slid the door open maing him turn to me.

"Morning sleepy head." He said making me laugh. I closed the door behind me and pulled a seat up beside him.

"What are you playing?" I asked him squinting my eyes in attempt to adjust to the bright sun. He looked down at his gutair and then back up at me then shifted in the seat to face me.

"A song I wanted to sing to you." He said smiling as he bit down on his bottom lip. "I remember you telling me it used to be one of your favourites." He said making me smile knowing that he payed attention to all the little things.

"Well lets hear it." I said sitting up and smiling. He smiled at me sweetly then looked down at the gutair fixing his hand position before beginning to gently strum the strings producing a beautiful sound. Immediatly I knew what song it was making my eyes almost instantly want to fill up with tears. It was "All my life" by "Nizlopi". I watched completley amazed as he began performing the song. I had heard him sing before but nothing like this. He met my eye and smiled as he continued singing the song. His voice was so beautiful and pure, it gave me the chills and goosebumps. As he came to my favourite part of the song goosebumps shot up my back.

"cause it's written on my hand

I want it written on your body yeah, written on your soul

singing your love makes me a different man

I want it sewn into my body, I want it sewn into me."

I smiled watching him feeling myself falling inlove with him all over again. He continued to sing and much sooner then I wanted, the song came to an end. He adjusted in his seat and look up at me smiling as if he wanted my approval. I smiled and sat up taking the gutair off of his lap and gently placing it on the ground. He smiled cheekily watching as I sat down on his lap straddling him.

"That was amazing." I said bringing my smile to his. His kiss over powered my senses as his large hands ran up the back of my shirt gliding over my spine. His tongue dominated in my mouth as he continued to take my breath away. I pulled away resting my head on his forehead bringing my hands to his chest. His hands rested on my hips and he kissed my nose making me smile.

"I love you." He whispered as he brought his lips back to mine again.

"I love you too." I whispered back as we broke away.


Authors note:

Sorry about the short chapter and not updating in a while. I have exams and I've been studying but everything should go back to normal on wednesday. Expect a new chapter then that will be much longer then!:)

Thank you guys sosososo much, I reached 1500 reads which is incredible. Thank you <3

Ps, this is the song Harry sings to Cassidy but this is an Ed Sheeran cover of it. I suggest you go listen to it he sings it beautifully

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