Chapter 8

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Cass' pov

I woke up early the next morning due to the lack of sleep I got in the night. I couldn't tell what I was nervous about. Either it was that I was meeting Harry's family today or that he would be introducing me as his girlfriend. What if his family didn't like me? What if I just wasn't what they were expecting. There was a soft knock on my door interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah one sec!" I yelled hoping into some pajama pants so who ever it was wouldn't see me in my underwear. I walked to the door and opened it to find my dad awkwardly standing with a tray of food.

"Morning Cassie!" he said cheerfully. I shot him a look and he cleared his throat. "Cassidy." he corrected himself making me nod.

"I brought you breakfast." he said extending his arms. I looked over at the large clock on my wall.

"It's 11:30." I said making him sigh sort of. I knew he was frustrated I wasn't appreciating this. He extended his arms even more and I took the tray and looked down at it. Cereal with a side of fruit and yogurt. I nodded to communicate it was fine and thanked him before walking away closing the door. He opened it again and walked in following me to the bed. I sat on th bed and threw a grape in my mouth looking up at him.

"So um what are you wearing? Are you excited?" he asked trying to spark conversation.

"Can you send sarah up? I need help with an outfit." I said standing up and walking into my closet.

"I can help." he said following me. I stopped and looked at him.

"Dad. Can you go get sarah?" I asked making him nod. He left and moments later sarah was running up to help.

We decided on a nice light yellow summer dress. I pulled some short shorts on underneath just incase I needed them. If it was anything like my family picnics there would be sports.

"So." sarah said as she straightened my hair. She gave me a look through the mirror and raised one eyebrow. "Did he ask you?" she said making me bite down on my lip. I nodded and she gasped nudging me.

"Oh my god!" she said making me laugh. "I want details." she said braiding my bangs back. Eventually I showed her the hickey and she freaked out before covering it up since I didn't want his mom or dad seeing it.

It took a bit but I was finally ready. I stood in front of the tall mirror and looked at myself, I looked pretty. I knew I was making this seem like a big deal but it was. I was meeting his family, not just his mom and step dad but his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. My phone vibrated on the table and I basically ran to it. Harry's name popped up making me smile.

"Almost there, can't wait to see you beautiful xx." it said making me blush.

"See you soon x." I replied. I shoved the phone in my bag and pulled on some flats then walked downstairs. As I was walking down the stairs there was a heavy knock on the door. I smiled and ran to it opening it quickly. He stood in front of me smiling and glowing. His hair was into perfect shinny ringlets and he was wearing dark shorts with a red polo shirt.

"you look beautiful." he said putting his hand on my back and kissing me quickly. I smiled and pulled him back in for a more passionate and longer kiss. I smiled pulling away and he kissed my forehead before taking my hand and leading me out to the car.

Harry's family was wonderful. They reminded me of my family back at home. They were all really welcoming and hilarious. They were loud and entertaining. We spent the day hanging around his sister Gemma, who was gorgeous, and his cousin Matt who was hilarious. I don't know why I was worried it was actually so fun. We were either eating, drinking with his uncle, hanging out with his cousins or playing sports.

"What about a game of football?" his step dad Rob asked walking over to us and holding a soccer ball. "I mean soccer for you americans" he said correcting himself making me laugh.

"Alright but I warn you it's my best sport." I said standing up making Gemma, Matt and Harry go "oooo".

"is this a challenge?" he asked making me laugh.

"Bring it old man." I said making him laugh loudly.

"Oh it's on princess." he said handing me the ball. We split into two teams. I of course had Harry, Gemma, Matt and same other cousins and Rob had his brothers and a few other cousins. The game stretched on long but it was the most fun I had in a while. It game down to the winning goal, the other team got a penalty because Rob shoved Harry and Harrys mom Anne who was the coach, and very protective, called it. We all huddled deciding who would shoot and they picked me which made me nervous.

"You got this babe." Harry said squeezing my shoulders and kissing my cheek as I stood in front of the ball. I laughed and he kissed me quickly before walking to the side. Harry's uncle was in the net but I had faith in myself. I backed up and swung my leg hard and fast making the ball go to the right of the net and past his fingers going right in. I screamed and jumped in the air turning around as my team cheered. I laughed and ran towards them jumping in their arms. Harry picked my up and put me on my shoulders surprising me at how strong he was but scaring the absolute shit out of me. We went over and rubbed it in the other teams faces but eventually they got sick of us and we left them alone.

After dinner the sun was setting and we decided to have a bonfire. Harry grabbed us a blanket and we made our way down to the end of the large backyard where everyone else was, hand in hand.

"Today was so fun harry."I said looking up at him making him smile.

"I'm so glad you came." he said stopping walking and kissing me making me laugh.

"Girlfriend." he added in a whisper making me smile.

"Boyfriend." I replied getting on my tippy toes and kissing him. We continued our way down to the bonfire and sat down beside Matt and Gemma. Harry wrapped his arm around me and covered us in the blanket. Using his free hand to cook me a s'more. Everyone starting singing camp songs and Harry softly sang in my ear making me smile as he drew circles on my hip occasionally kissing me. I hadn't been this happy since my dad and mom were together. I felt apart of Harry's family in only one short day. Seeing Harry interact with his family made me realize how much of a genuine soul he was. I looked up at him admiring how he glowed from the fire. He looked down at me and smiled.

"What?" he asked smiling. I shook my head.

"You're just amazing." I said catching him a bit off guard.

"And you're incredible." he said leaning in slowly and pressing his full lips to mine.

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