Chapter 1: The museum robbery

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Unlike his henchmen he was dressed in a navy blue suit, looking surprisingly fancy. He had a square mask on which looked like it was made by a toddler, however it still had an intimidating factor to it. I’ve easily beaten him in fights, but it would be difficult to take him on with a pair of workers helping him fight. I’d need to distract them.

I looked around the room and saw a vase, so I grabbed it and took a deep breath before smashing it on the ground. Once it was broken I slunk back into the shadows, and heard the two henchmen talking in the other room.

“What was that boss?” one of them asked, and I heard the sound of footsteps shuffling around.
“It was something breaking, idiot.” Skeppy responded. “One of you go and check it out now. It could be a cop.”

A few moments passed before one of them walked out of the room. One of the two henchmen turned around the corner but didn’t seem to see me, after a few moments I lunged at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed the gloves against his neck and used the voltage transformers on each finger to send a shock into his body.

It wasn’t enough of a shock to actually hurt him, only enough to stun him and leave him unconscious. I dragged his limp body to the side and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of my pocket to make sure he couldn’t go anywhere.

Once he was handcuffed in place I stood up and began heading back towards the gem exhibition. “Where the hell did he go?” Skeppy asked the other henchman who must have given a visual response since he didn’t say anything.

“Go find him, we are leaving.” Skeppy instructed.
The henchman responded with a question. “What about the hostages boss?”
“I can handle a few hostages, now go. I don’t want to carry all of this shit back on my own, so hurry up before the superheroes get here.”

The henchman walked out of the room, holding a gun and holding the trigger so he could fire at whoever or whatever moves in front of him. He saw the other unconscious henchman and gasped, before turning to call out to Skeppy.

I immediately jumped out of the shadows and threw a punch at the goon who fell back and dropped his gun which slid across the floor. He was knocked down for a moment but before I could stun him like I did with his friend, he grabbed my arm and flipped me over top of him, sending me into the wall.

“Shit.” I muttered to myself, letting out a small groan of pain as I heard a bone crack loudly in my shoulder. Despite this minor inconvenience I stood up and punched the goon again.
“Boss. 404 is here. I’ll take him down!” The henchman called as he tried to attack me again, but I stopped him with a kick to the gut.

Skeppy was one of the three major criminals in this city, and he had a lot of workers for him. The workers were dressed distinctly. Along with the light blue outfit, he wore black gloves, and the knuckles were covered in sharp, small, gemstones. They weren’t worth much but they’d hurt a lot if you got punched by them.

Techno, Bad, Jacobs, and I were trained to avoid them. When we went after them we attacked low and tried to cuff them as fast as possible, which is exactly what I did. The guard stood up again, taking a moment to get his footing which gave me the opportunity to run at him and tackle him to the ground.

I pinned him down and pressed the pads of my suits gloves against his neck, sending a shock which made his body spasm for a moment before he fell unconscious. I didn’t bother waiting around to make sure he was unconscious or that he was handcuffed, only caring that Skeppy could be getting away.

It turns out that I was too late when I ran into the room though. There was a hole in the ground which the criminal must have disappeared into, meaning he was somewhere in the sewers. The hostages were still there however, and as I reactivated my comm I untied the pair of hostages.

“Gogy?” Techno asked, checking it was me before he said anything else, and I couldn’t even bother correcting him for the shitty nickname.
“Skeppy got away with the jewels.” I said sadly. “I took down his goons though and can pursue if needed. I’m getting the hostages now.”

“Were there any casualties?” the pinkette asked.
“No noticeable injuries on the hostages, however one of the henchmen possibly has a bleeding nose and a big bruise.” I explained. “And…” I cut myself off with a groan, “...I’m fine if you want me to get Skeppy.”

“What was that groan George?” Bad asked, since he had apparently been listening to our conversation.
“Nothing, now can I follow or not?” I asked.
“No way, you’re badly injured. Bad and I are heading inside now, you head back to base.”

I grumbled at Techno’s response but knew better than to argue with him. I tried to hide how I was pouting as I untied the hostages and began leading them to the exit. Techno and Bad met me halfway and reminded me to head back to the headquarters.

Once I got the hostages out of the museum they were led off by some medics who directed them towards the ambulance. When the news crew who was outside saw me they ran towards me to ask questions but a swat of my hand discouraged them.

As I walked back over the rooftops, I grumbled because of my situation, before reaching our base and I jumped off of the roof to get to the secret entrance in the alleyway below.
1728 words.

I am not good at writing fight sequences, anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new Book!

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