Chapter thirty-seven- Ember

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Ember held out his talons. "To all those mesmerized by the sheer power of my ice, show my enemies who's the master of this world. Activate Mana Ice spell- Magic Ice Spear!" Ember shot out a big ice spear and 2 of the Shadow Spiders poofed into black smoke. 2 down, 25 more to go.

"Nice!" Kyra shouted. "Aim another one over here!" she pointed to a horde of the spiders coming Ember's way.

"To all those mesmerized by the sheer power of my ice, show my enemies who's the master of this world. Activate Mana Ice spell- Magic Ice Spear!" He yelled again, pointing it at the 6 spiders. They all disappeared in a black smoke.

8 down, 17 more to go.

"Over here!" Called Terra's voice. 9 spiders surrounded Terra, and she wasn't killing them very fast.

"To all those mesmerized by the sheer power of my ice, show my enemies who's the master of this world. Activate Mana Ice spell- Magic Ice Spear!"

17 down, 8 more to go.

He helped out in various other places until all of the spiders were gone. Now, this was the hard part— defeating the Queen.

"You guys –and ladies– ready for this?!"

"YEEEEES!" Everyone, including Koda and Phantom, yelled back to what Ember had called out to them.

Ember ran bush to scraggly bush getting closer to the surprised Queen. He jumped up and slashed across her neck with his talons. But the moment it came in contact with her feathers, Ember was thrown off of her, and she yelled, "You fowl children, you can never ever beat me, for I am strong. Way stronger than you could ever know. You can't touch me, I am protected by my friends, the Shadows. Bow down to me and I will not kill you as slow!"

"Hah! Try us!" Terra smirked. "Because all of us have our own secrets!" She brought her talons to her chest and aimed them at the queen.


Dirt shot out of the ground and encircled the Queen in a ball of dirt.

"C'mon! We have to get somewhere safe before—"

A loud cracking noise interrupted Terra.

"Hoh, hoh, hoh, good try, young one, but that won't work on me. You won't be getting away. Now why don't we see who will kill the other first? Oh, You, the white and orange one, you look like you'll be tasty!" A black smoke wrapped around Eve.

"What is this stuff?" She asked. Before she could say anything more, Eve was pulled to the Queen's side. She slowly lifted her talon pop Eve in her mouth. She opened her jaws, and Ember couldn't move at the sight of losing another friend. He was about to run up to her and try to kill her when an enraged voice growled:

"Feel the Wrath of thy who enrages my soul. Activate Mana Time spell—TIME MANA SURGE!" Kyra yelled. "You will not kill my love! I WILL KILL YOU!" Kyra sobbed.

"W-we have two minutes," she says, pointing at the Queen. "Let's do this. Together."

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