Prologue: Milo

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Twirl slowly sat up and yawned. She woke up her brother and they started off on their adventure. This was their normal morning; get up, get things packed up, eat, and then leave. They're orphans, living in the wilderness and cold of the arctic, of course they had to get up and get moving! They're in the Dragon Region, they could be eaten in their sleep or something...

"You worry too much," Milo said with a laugh when he heard Twirl mumble this.

"Maybe. But it's only to keep us safe. With our village burned down, what else can we do?" Twirl said sadly.

"We can joke and be happy. When we hear or see a dragon, run for cover. Easy." Milo joked. Or more like, Twirl thought he joked.

"I'm being serious here! Our lives are important, and we can't just give them up to make jokes all day!" Twirl said.

"And I am too. As your big brother, I care about you. You shouldn't be so nervous all the time. You weren't such a pessimist when you were living with Pops... There should still be some laughs and fun in your life. If there isn't, then why are we even here? Why are we still alive? We're alive so we can enjoy ourselves, the land that we live in, the life we control. It's up to you to feel sad, happy, lonely, angry, whatever. As my little sister, I need you to know this: you matter, you're important, and I love you."

"Ew! Don't go spouting random sappy stuff all of a sudden!" Twirl blushed. "And stop acting all old and wise! You're only 7!"

"Well, I made you smile and laugh, didn't I? Therefore, I don't regret anything." Milo laughed as Twirl swatted him on the shoulder.

For the rest of the day, they walked through the arctic snow and winds of their new home.

Around evening, Twirl grabbed Milo's hand, panting. "I need a rest- why is it so hard to climb and walk in snow, but easier to climb canyons and mountains-?" She half-asked herself. "Oh, I'm sorry. Sure, we can take a-" Milo suddenly stopped talking, his eyes wide. "Twirl... Look at the sky!" He pointed up.

Green, purple, pink, and white shimmered in a swirly pattern. Stars littered the sky around it, making a beautiful phenomenon. The Aurora Borealis. Or the Northern Lights. "Milo—what's it doing here, of all places? We're not on Earth... We're on a completely different planet... I think."

Milo shrugged. "Earth doesn't exist anymore though, so there is probably a reason. Well, the Northern light is made when charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth's atmosphere and cause electrons in the atoms to move to a higher-energy state. When the electrons drop back to a lower energy state, they release a photon: light, making the beautiful phenomenon. It wouldn't not make sense; it could maybe even be made on Mars. Maybe. Probably." Milo said. "So, now that I think about it, it makes sense that it would happen here. Do you want to take a break and lay down and watch it?" Milo asked. They looked up at the sky once more, enjoying the silence and beauty.

"Sure—hold on..." Twirl unzipped the backpack she was wearing that held everything they could take out of the fire. She grabbed the tent materials and Milo helped set it up. Twirl put the heater and hand warmers inside, along with the sleeping gear. Once they were done, Milo, being the tallest, lifted the cover off the top of it.

They climbed inside their sleeping bags and lay down, telling each other when they saw a pretty constellation or when one of them had to go to the bathroom.

Humans... Us... From Earth, in a completely different world... I wonder how this all started. Milo, my brother, and I... We're special, even if no one realizes it. Milo is the only one protected from me, and the same for him. We'll be safe, here, in the beauty of this rare occasion. But... I sense something good will happen, and I sense happiness on the horizon. Even if I can hear what you think, and Milo can possess you and understand animals and creatures and languages of any kind, that doesn't make us completely different from you and your family... We used to live on Earth, and now, instead, we live on the Ice Section of Iregelan... This is our new home, and we won't let anyone else destroy it this time. We can prevent it if we use our gifts smartly. Just like Pops said we should, we will stick together and see the world, even if it's the world from the future.

Milo later wrote all of what happened inside of his notebook, with a huge grin on his face. And as long as my brother is happy, then I will be happy too... I don't have to be pessimistic, do I? It's not like I'm going to die any time soon, right?

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