Chapter six- Milo

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We were surrounded, completely, by armored men. "Twirl, do you think we have enough time to make a portal?" I whispered. The old man who had been with us laughed again.

Twirl shook her head, "no... But I do have an idea... Let them catch us. Just trust me on this!" I hesitated. I didn't really know what to say; I mean, I did trust her and all, but let them catch us? What if she made a huge mistake or something?

She'd made a huge mistake by thinking a toad was a salamander, and if this were to come out as a mistake, our lives could disappear in a heartbeat, and I didn't want that, especially because we just arrived in a new place we've never been before.

But... I wanted her to trust me, right? That meant taking chances and trusting her, and, in the long run, might even make her trust me more as a big brother. I nod and let them take me.

We were put in a small wired box labeled "Terrarian."

"Heh... I'm surprised you let us take you, seeing as You're. Gonna. Be. A. Science. Experiment. Or, Depending, food." 

What kind of person tells them what they're gonna be? Wouldn't it be smarter, to, y'know, keep it secret so then we won't run away or something? Jeez...

Me and Twirl are quiet, not really sure what to say. Or at least, me, because I just realized she's trembling out of fear, not of excitement.

Welp, it seems she's not as easily excitable as I am.

"How can you even write in your journal during this kind of setting? Also, where did you even get that pen...? I've never seen it before." Twirl said.

I stole it from the old man who greeted us earlier. I almost immediately wish Twirl never told me about it. But I don't say anything worthwhile.

"We shouldn't really dwell on that right now..." I say instead. Twirl shrugs.

"If that's what you want, then have fun, because I'm leaving, mind you." Twirl says with a grin, "because I'm about to make a portal to Terrarian!" She held out her left hand and supported it with her left.

A blurry clear portal appeared right in front of us, and Twirl took no time whatsoever to climb inside and pull me inside of it.

A shadow flew over us and I gasped. I told Twirl to look up and we looked at the sky together. A bird of bright red flew over us. He had a small cloth with a red one like him and an egg in that cloth, proving he had to be strong. His beak opened and closed and the young bird pointed to a clock tower. He nodded and started to dive down out of sight. Who's that? I asked myself. Or more like, WHAT'S that? Twirl backed up a little, hugging my arm. "It's okay, Twirl... But how did you get here? The only way you can make a portal is if you have been here before," I say.

How her power works is if she's been in a town or something, she can clear her thoughts and make a portal to that place. If it is not vivid enough, it instead makes a portal to the most logical or the closest place the portal can. Most children with the Gift spend almost all of their lives practicing how to control their powers and how to make it clear where you wanted to go. She had never been to Iregelan, so that made it impossible for her to make a portal to the arctic which she'd only seen pictures of, much less a place she'd never seen before. Twirl looked down at her feet and crossed her arms.

"W-well, I kinda... power." She mumbled. I could only make out part of her sentence, so I asked her to repeat herself. "I... Kinda have more than one power." She answered a little louder than before. Shock ripples through my skin like a shiver. "...What...?" I must have heard her wrong... That makes the most sense... But... Does it really make sense? Doubting myself and re-doubting myself even more, I plop down on the ground and think it over.

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