Chapter twenty-three- Kyra

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Kyra listened to Milo, not really sure if she should believe such a tragic thing happened.

"But... Why did you even try to take over someone else's body? First off, it is NOT your own, second, people and Phoenix and pretty much everything on this planet and on Iregelan aren't dolls you can just use like tools. That makes you just as bad as whoever is controlling my friends, and therefore, you only have yourself to blame for killing your own sister." Ember said.

"I hate to say it, Milo, but Ember's right."

"It's Ferno." He snapped.

"Ferno...? I'm pretty sure I was told you were Ember," Kyra said. Have I made a mistake? Is he not Ember at all? Have I been following a stranger this whole time? Just the thought of all these things scared Kyra.

"And who told you?" Ferno growled.

"Um... A Phipogrix by the name of Piper!" Kyra blabbed.

"Well, I'm not Ember anymore. I never will be. I am Ferno, and Ferno is the only name I have. Never make that mistake again."

Kyra nodded quickly.

"Okay, first off, Ferno," Milo interrupted, "SHE isn't someone you can just talk to like she's some sort of thing your dog left in the yard! She is ALSO living, so you need to respect—"

"Oh, I don't wanna hear it. You have no idea what you're saying, and you don't have the right to say that even when you made the same mistake but worse with your sister." Ferno snapped.

Kyra felt like crying.

"...Ferno." A voice said from behind them. "Would Terra be happy with this...? You're Ember to her, and now here you are, saying no. I thought you loved her. Don't you? If you did, you'd understand that you made a mistake. You are Ember, and no one else. You may have matured but getting a new name doesn't mean you lost your actual name. Getting a new name isn't actually a new name like it sounds. It's a title— and when someone gets a title, it means they are to fight. The moment you fight off the villain, whoever she/he is, you will go back to being Ember—"

"SHUT UP!!" Ferno said, a mix between a sob and a squeal. "Who do you think you are?! You don't have ANY right to just barge in here and dig up my past!" He yelled, tears rolling down his cheek bones. He's... Crying? Why? Is his past really that sad? It didn't sound sad to me...

"...Is that how you treat your friends, Ember?" The voice sighed. "Or were we never friends at—"

Ember ran up to the location of the voice.

"FRIENDS?! WHO SAID ME AND YOU WERE—" He paused and his tears became thicker. "" He said between sobs. As in... His FRIEND Sasha? He backed up and fell backward onto his butt on the sand of the arena.

Milo tilted his head and whispered, "Who's Sasha? And why is he so scared of her?" Kyra lied and said she didn't know and kept watching.

Sasha came into view, and Milo and Kyra both knew why Ferno was scared of her. For she had purple bags under her eyes, and she bled from many spots all over her body. Her tail was ripped and bloody, worse than every other part that was wrong and hurt. On her shoulder, sat a fox. Instead of it being black, it was white. It's eyes weren't amber, but instead, yellow-ish green. Her Mana Stones in her forehead were different, as well. Instead of three stones, there were four; they were white, red, blue, and black. Kyra recognized this fox to be an Ultra Fox, next evolution to a Mystic Fox. Sasha's blue-grey feathers had blood splatters and made it hard to look at.

"Wh-what HAPPENED to you...?" Ferno whimpered.

"I'm afraid if I told you, I'd be killed."

"How...?" Ferno said. "HERA TOLD ME THIS WAS A PEACEFUL WORLD!" Ferno sobbed. "Why is it so GORY and sad?! How could ANYONE live with this?!" He said.

"Because it protects us from Griffins and Hippogriffs," Sasha whispered.

Kyra had a lot of questions, but they needed to get to safety. "Sasha, we have many questions, but this place isn't safe. We need to first find somewhere of which we can actually talk in—"

"Oh, it's too late," called a voice. Down jumped a familiar figure. A figure by the name of Hera. 

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