Chapter twenty-eight- Ember

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Ferno felt quite sad that Kyra felt the need to say "while we are all still alive and together" because didn't that imply that she thinks that they were going to die?

Either way, Kyra was already inhaling a deep breath to begin her story.

Kyra's Story

"It was a normal life— doing chores and deciding whether or not to talk to the next door neighbor boys; eating, sleeping, even making farting noises to make each other laugh. That is, until the day of the Mana Test arrived. My teacher gathered us around and told us this exactly: 'you kids better behave. This test is very important and doesn't need any... Interrupting farts,' we all giggle, 'because this test is to know what your Mana Knack is. What this is, is to see what mana you are best at. Once we know that, we know what job would be the best for you all. Now, how we will start this off, is starting tomorrow, we will be picking random students and doing Mana Power Tests; seeing how strong you are with magic. After all of you have a chance to do this, you will be put to sleep for 4 weeks to mature, and then you will be awarded a job. Now, since Lady Kyra ranks the highest of us all, she will be going first. Kyra, meet me by the school at 6:30 to begin your tests. Any questions?' she asks. One Phen in my class, Cocky, raises his hand. Lady Mara calls on him, and he asks:

'But if you do it one by one, then what about the rest of us? What will we do? You are the only Last Grade teachers there are,' he points out.

'The rest of you will simply have to wait. You won't have any school until it is your turn.' She says.

Another phen raises her hand, Arda, and Lady Mara calls on her as well. 'I actually have two questions. How long will the training be, and where will we sleep?' She asks.

Lady Mara sighed. 'The training will be 1-2 week as most. And you will be sleeping inside the school."

'But does that mean we won't be able to see our families?! If we sleep at the school and immediately after getting our jobs, Firemates, and new homes, then...'

'There will be a good-bye session after your Maturing.' Lady Mara said simply.

That night I had trouble sleeping— I thought that everyone would leave me and that this would be my last night in my bed. My mother, the town's Lady, noticed this and sat on my bed. She stroked my normal head— for I had not matured, meaning I was still a normal phoenix. 'What is wrong, Kyra?' She asks.

I explained how I thought this would be my last time in my bed and how I'd have to wait almost a month to see her again, and then immediately after, I'd have to leave and never see her again. I explained that Lady Mara was harsh and mean for taking me away from my mother and father.

Instead of laughing at me for being weak and stupid like I thought she would, she stroked my head again and leaned me against her shoulder. 'I know... I felt the same way. But— look at me, Kyra—' she lifted my beak up to look at her. 'You can visit us as much as you want, whenever you want, alright?' I nod, and she kisses me goodnight. After that, I was asleep in minutes.

'Good morning, Lady Kyra. I hope you are ready for some magic?' I nod nervously, and we walk inside the school together.

'Our first test is Ice Mana— the strongest mana there is. Now, I want you to say this and shoot as much mana as you can at that target. I want you to say, "Activate Mana Ice spell- Magic Ice Spear!"' A medium-size spear of ice shot out of Lady Mara's palms, and landed in the middle of the target. 'Can you do that, Kyra?' She asks.

I nod and copy what she did. My Ice spear was huge, at least twice the size of Lady Mara's, and it seemed the trees in the yard seemed to pause just for a few seconds, as if the wind had stopped completely. But just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.

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