Chapter thirty-six- Milo

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A black cloud had settled above my head, and I was freaking out. Phantom was bloody and unconscious. The black spiders with human upper halves and smoky heads had totally beaten Phantom. And quite brutally, too. She was barely breathing when Alder and Sasha came out of the cave and began to fight. Alder was dodging the spider-human-things easily, but Sasha was panting and had cuts all over her body.

I heard footsteps (talonsteps), so I ran into the cave and curled up into a ball, shivering. I wanted to cry. All of this was so hard without Twirl to help me back to my feet. And even worse, she died because of me. And now, we were going to die in this fight because we thought Ferno's idea was stupid.

The steps got closer. I heard a gasp, and then galloping. Soon, I saw a beautiful green Phoenix with leaf-shaped wings drop down in front of me. A white feathered female phoenix with diamond-pattern wings plopped down to the floor.

"Are you okay?!" The green phoenix asked. I nodded and sat up.

"Yes." She stared at me, so I explained why I can talk in Warnian. Behind her, Kyra, Koda, Peacock, Alder, and Eve were fighting, while Sasha chanted healing magic for Phantom and herself.

The white phoenix that was on her back sat up and rubbed her head. "Terra, you didn't have to carry me, I told you, I'm fine! Let me go fight, okay? I need to help my friends!"

...The phoenix was very definitely a male.

"Ember! No! You stay here and let them fight!"

Ember? Does she mean Ferno? But, he doesn't look like Ferno at ALL.

"Ferno, that's you, right?" I ask.

"Well, no, I'm Ember, but you might recall me to be Ferno, yes." Before Terra could say anything, or I, in this case, he stood up and ran out of the cave.

"Jeez, that guy," Terra sighed. "Right when I see him again, he asks for a death wish."

I watched the fight, although it wasn't much of one. "Well, I need to help them with my Earth Mana, little one, be safe, okay? I'll be back."

Again, I was alone, with my regrets and the weight of Twirl's death. 

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