Chapter thirty-one (Part One)- Ember

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"Chickadee Dee Dee Dee!" A far off Chickadee sang, in his sing-song voice. "Chickadee-Chickadee-chickadee dee dee dee!" Ferno slowly opened his eyes and wanted to scream when he saw the phoenix who was looking down at him. She smiled.

"Hello, Ember. You know where to find me— ...THE place." She winked and ran away right before Ferno's senses came back. He woke everyone up and told them what happened.

"...And that is why I think young Terra is at the orphanage in Heriagon –er, Mineral."

"That IS a good idea, but... Are you sure that wasn't your imagination?" Sasha sighed.

She did have a point; but Ferno felt like it wasn't. His soul told him to go. His whole heart told him to go, and his brain longed for him to.

"...You said to trust Terra, didn't you, Sasha?" Ferno asked after some time. "Well, I am. I will. Even if you don't go with me, I'M going."

Kyra sighed. "How about we change things a bit? We vote on who wants to go with Ferno, and those who want to go someplace else. Koda and Phantom can stay in touch to give messages."

Sasha nodded her head. "That's a good idea."

They voted, and Sasha, Phantom, Milo, and Alder, went together as the group that was going to go someplace else, while Kyra, Koda, Eve, and Peacock all were going with Ferno.

"Well, let's get going." As they parted ways, Ferno's soul did little aerial flights in his mind. He swooped in loopty loops, the wind playing with his feathers as he laughed. He once thought love was sappy and gross. He didn't get why Grace liked Ace. But now, he understood. Love was a beautiful thing, and he'd do anything to be with Terra once more.

"Wow, I don't think I could see you any more happily," Peacock laughed.

"Well! Me and Terra are close friends, so of course—"

"Pffffft! HAHAHAHAHA!" Peacock started laughing, making a train reaction making Eve, Koda, even Kyra laugh. Since Ferno had nothing else to do, he laughed as well. With a jolt he remembered something that made him even more excited.

LEIF! LEIF! SHE'S IN HERIAG— Er, MINERAL (Man, that's going to get some getting used to)!

They reached the town of Mineral late at night, and the stars glowed in the sky.

Koda, Kyra, and Ferno landed in the town square of Mineral, and Ferno knew that the orphanage was to the right of the Clock Dome. Although the orphanage was far away, his soul was flying above the clouds. 

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