Chapter thirty-five- Kyra

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Ferno was taken up in a yellow sparkling light, only his red tail showing through the brightness.

"What's going on, Terra?" Kyra asked. This was concerning; First the message from Phantom, then this. They needed to pick up the pace. Kyra thought of all the bad things that could be happening right now. The Shadows eating Milo and the others away, a wild Cora Bird coming to burn them alive, all sorts of brutal things.

The light lasted about 2 or 3 minutes, but it felt like fifteen.

Ferno was completely different— white feathers with gold outlining on them; hazel eyes; a coral beak; a really long and soft, bushy, tail; and most shocking of all, huge, long wings with feathers shaped like diamonds all around it. His wings were white with the black diamond feathers on the outside, but on the inside, it was dark brown with white diamond shapes. Two feathers served as eyebrows, but they looked quite more beautiful than normal eyebrows.

"This is Maturing. But... His second maturing...? That doesn't sound right... Now where is my Tracking Journal..." She wiped her tears away and grabbed a small slate of rock and began to write with her talons.

Ferno plopped down on the wood planks and grinned as if nothing had happened. "Ferno, what—"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Ferno shook his head. "Not Ferno, Ember."

Kyra stared at him in shock. Whoa. I guess there are some things that will still surprise you, she thought; she wasn't exactly expecting him to realize that he was Ember, not Ferno that quickly. Not only that, but they had already found AND cured all of Ember's friends. Now the next step was to kill the shadow queen, Queen Widow. The only problem was that Kyra couldn't exactly tell where or who she was hiding in. She could sense it, but only barely. And if they killed the shadow queen, would it ACTUALLY save the world? And if they did, she didn't want to be the center of attention. She'd probably drop all of the famous stuff on Ember's shoulders and make it his problem. But she knew that she'd also have to use her time mana if she really wanted to save the world. But if it failed, she could very definitely aim wrong and point it at a tree or at a phoenix, making it so they are frozen so long they stop breathing; the way it works is that if you point it at a phoenix or anything, it will freeze that thing for two minutes. If she aimed it at Ember, all of the Morpheens would most likely stop breathing and die, and she'd be the destruction of her own world. And she'd done it before, at her village. If she remembered correctly, she was the one who even called those tentacle things to her village in the first place. If it weren't for her training, she probably would live a normal life and not know about her curse. But then I wouldn't know Eve. her heart whispered. But if she didn't know Eve, she wouldn't have to help her friends. But then I wouldn't have seen Peacock again. She could've been bored all day like she used to be. Or I could have fun with my friends.

"...Put Ember on my back—"

"No, I am putting Ember on my back. He is mine, not yours," Terra hissed.

Man, she can get scary sometimes... "S-Sure, I already found my Firemate, so whatever." Kyra winked at Eve, who looked down at her talons.

"Good. Leif, Kyra, Koda, Peacock, Ember, Eve, Let's go." 

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