Chapter eighteen- Milo

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I sat there in shock. I read my journal again and again. She had blocked me when I had possessed her –or tried to— but I could still feel her senses. But there Twirl was, her limp corpse sprawled across the floor. I had felt a huge searing pain through my spine, and I had woken up as myself again.

...I had killed my sister.

I feel tears slide down my cheek and I remember the northern lights and how if we'd never gone to that town, I would have NEVER EVER EVEN KNOWN about my powers, so I wouldn't have been able to kill Twirl in the first place. I wish I hadn't broken my slingshot. I wish I could go back in time to before the town burned down. I wish I weren't so stupid. Murky furiously blobbed and squabbled at me. I ignore him. I knew that if someone were to come in here, they might take it the wrong way. So I had to make sure that didn't happen. I came up with a plan.

I tucked Twirl into her bed and walked out of the door to talk with the register person. I spoke in their language, which PROBABLY scared her... Just a bit.

"Ma'am! My sister Twirl won't get up and I need your help!" She screamed and ran into the other room. I knew that I had failed. I shook my head and produced another idea. I possess one of the customers –that I totally regret doing— and say the same thing but tweak a few things.

" My pet Rose won't get up and I need your help. Do you think you could help me?" I ask. My voice was rough, and hard.

"Sure thing. Please take me to your pet," she said with a smile. I escorted her into the room and she dropped to her knees at the bed. "Your pet Human, huh?" She stopped talking and rested a talon over her heart. I felt my heart beating rapidly. Please still be alive please still be alive please still be ali—

"...Sir..." She paused. "Your pet has passed. I will help you bury her." She said softly as she saw my face. Or, the man I was possessing's face. My heart seemed to stop beating for a moment or two. The blood drained from my face. I knew this was going to happen... What was the point of protecting someone when you yourself actually ended up killing that one person? Nobody knew what I felt right at that moment... At least, that's what ran through my head.

I nod. "O-okay."

I hold "Rose" in my arms and we walk over to a graveyard by the name of "Lark Park" and find a good place to dig. When I spotted one, the employee shook her head. "No. This way," she pointed to a steep hill to my left. I nodded and followed her to the hill.

We climbed and climbed until we reached the top. We were greeted by a thick breeze and the employee smiled. "Here we are." One other grave was there. One by the name of "Herr. Died full of love; R.I.P" She smiled. "That was my Firemate. He died of a sickness called 'Rosy Blood.'" She sighed and then shrugged.

We both are silent as we dig a medium sized hole. Once we finished, we put "Rose's" body into it and I asked to be alone to make the name. I didn't want her to notice me putting Twirl instead of Rose, did I?

The employee left me alone as I found a small rock. When she came back, she handed me a marker quite like a Sharpie and left once more. I wrote in my best handwriting:

Twirl: Died full of excitement and wonder. I will never forget her smile. I hope Twirl's spirit soars and explores every new thing that might make her happy. R.I.P., sister.

I gave her a small note that might help her realize that she was dead, but also know that I loved her. I sigh and stand back up.

Once we approached the orphanage again, we said our thanks. "Thank you –er— I didn't catch your name?" The employee asks.

I produced a random name off the top of my head. "My name is Ori." I say.

She nods. "Nice name. My name's Zireene."

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