Chapter twenty- Kyra

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Kyra and Peacock as well as Eve tugged Ember back to his chair, hoping no one noticed. They didn't, thanks to the barrier Eve was holding, which Kyra thanked over and over in her mind.

Once Ember was back in his small chair, Peacock and Eve sat down on either side of him and Kyra morphed into her human form and crouched below the chair of Ember's. Queen Shadow kept missing, while Queen Daffodil kept attacking Queen Shadow from behind.

Eventually, Queen Shadow began to learn how Queen Daffodil moved, and started catching her easier. Actually, Queen Shadow was now winning. Queen Daffodil had so many scratches and blood stained on her feathers, that it looked like she herself actually had red feathers.

All of a sudden, Kyra could see rage inside of Queen Daffodil's eyes. Her eyes went up into her head, and her body began to float, but nobody seemed to notice. It was just for a split second, but her body changed into a different shape entirely; black with a black abdomen and the body of a spider; most likely a Widow Spider. Kyra looked closely, but just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

Her attacks were a lot stronger after that, but nobody seemed to even notice. I can tell everyone by just using my mana or my magic, Kyra thought. But what if instead I kill a lot of people? What if everything becomes my fault again? Koda must have sensed Kyra's stress or sadness, because he started to purr and rub against her neck, just like a cat would. Even though Koda seemed not to like it, Kyra kissed him on the forehead. She whispered in his ear, "Thank you, Koda. I feel better now," and Kyra could feel Koda nod.

Queen Shadow was bleeding so much that it made Kyra's stomach lurch and tie itself in knots. Ember was still out cold, and nobody had noticed his blood smearing across the seat. At least, not yet. She decided to NEVER use her powers, and that included now. Heck, that included her whole life! Even if it was useful, that did not mean it would be safe to use. And besides, she already had it drilled into her mind that she would NEVER AGAIN use her powers because of what it did to her parent's trust and how it destroyed the village; she was terrified of using her powers. Anyone would if it killed dozens of people (although, she didn't actually kill anyone even if the villagers thought she did, but that was not the point).

Koda curled up on the hard floor and whined slightly. "It's okay. I'm a little scared too," Kyra said. She thought he was scared, anyway, but she didn't get to know because Koda was already fast asleep. She didn't know anyone who could sleep through such a bloody fight and still look so... so COMFORTABLE. But, Kyra wasn't complaining, Koda was really cute when he slept. When Kyra knew Koda was completely asleep, and deeply, she picked him up to her chest and set him on her lap. When he drowsily opened his eyes, Kyra kissed him on his moist black nose and set him back on her lap, giving him a good view of the whole arena, and a more comfortable place to rest. Kyra felt Ember's seat above her head creak.

She peeked up and saw Ember looking around and breathing unsteadily. Kyra hunkered down even further in the shadows of the chair, hoping Ember wouldn't hear the sound of her scooching backward. Unfortunately, Koda did, and he yawned, looked around, saw where he was sitting and jumped backward off of her lap.

"What am I...?!" Koda asked, astonished, looking back to where he WAS laying and where he was when he woke up.

"Hey! It's okay! Here, come back," Kyra said, beckoning him over to her lap again, but he shook his head and curled up on the floor instead. Suit yourself, little fox. Kyra giggled. But this was no time to be giggling to herself, so she decided to pay attention to the fight once again.

Queen Shadow was also getting better, it seemed. They fought on equal waves, neither one higher or lower than the other. They were both beat up by the time the winner was decided. Queen Shadow slashed across Daffodil's back, sending her a shocking 9-or-so feet away from her. Everyone seemed to boo at Shadow, even though it was totally fair how she won. Except, she hadn't won yet. Daffodil quickly stood back up and hobbled slowly and quietly up to Queen Shadow. But by then, it was already too late. Before Queen Daffodil even reached her, Shadow puffed out her chest and huge spikes grew out of it. Queen Daffodil couldn't stop herself in time and impaled herself on the tallest spike on Shadow's chest.

Shadow mana... That means that she could've been the one who sent the brown Shadow here! Kyra leaned forward and watched closely before something tapped her on the shoulder. It was Ember, who had caught her.

"You." He said in a gruff tone.

"What?!" Kyra asked. She was trying to pay attention to the fight, so she found his talking rather annoying.

"What happened to Chestnut? Why did his face turn into smoke before you tried to kill him?"

"Because he is a Shadow, sent by Queen Widow herself from the depths of Heaven. I can't believe humans think Heaven is good, yet Hell is terrible! Heaven is the worst place a Phoenix could ever go."

"Well, Humans are a different species than us, so of course there'll be some difference in what we believe. And there is no harm in having different opinions. Meet me by the arena door where the flowers are after the fight. I have something I wish to discuss with you in private." 

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