Chapter five- Kyra

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Kyra found herself avoiding Eve for most of the next few days. 3 days ago, Bael had told Eve that she'd be good for killing her enemies because she had already killed her brother. She also found herself not liking her as much because of it. She couldn't find any words to even say to her; they caught in her throat and made it so she had to run away. Every time Kyra looked back at Eve, her look was the same: sad, upset, and confused. It pained her to do this, but this way, she could stay safe. Even if it hurts Eve, it may save the world in the long run.

That night, Kyra curled up on the far side of Tide Lake, while Eve rested on the other side of the lake, obviously sad.

Look, Imaginary Eve, I'm sorry, but not only is it safer for the world, but it's also better for me to not fall in love with you anymore. I can't let that happen, no matter what, or else I can't kill you later. I don't know if this is a grand mistake or a heroic quest, but what I do know is what I told you. I'm sorry. Kyra knew Eve couldn't hear her, but it still made her feel a little better. Kyra hadn't been in her actual form in ages, so she slowly faded into her Phipogrix form. She never told anyone, but her genes were two separate animals. That made her a Morpheen; a Phipogrix with multiple genes. In her case, she was a Jaguar Phipogrix and a Flying Squirrel. Few Phoenixes know this, but if your genes were of an animal that cannot fly, you do not have wings. If you are a Morpheen with two different animal genes, you have two you can switch to. The only living Legendary Morpheens living were herself and one of the names Ember (Her secret familiar Crimson Rosella—Rosie is her name—is her eyes sometimes and gives her information that she may need at any given time).

Rosie! Come to my side! She called out through thought. She heard a distant flapping and soon Rosie showed herself, landing on a branch near the lake.

"Master?" Rosie tilted her head to the side. Oh, I was just asking for you to come. I'm lonely and I need someone to keep me company. I'm trying to stay away from Eve, and I have no one else... Please? Rosie was silent for a few moments. "..."

She stared at Kyra in the eye, drew in a breath (although it sounded like a sick goat sneezing), and spoke. ".............No." Rosie said. She took off before Kyra could pounce on her and keep her against her will. She knows me too well.... Grr, cursed bird... Why did I even make you my familiar...? "Just because I left you physically does not mean that I have left completely. Your thoughts are not protected as long as you're my familiar." Um, Rosie, I don't really know if this will hurt your feelings at all, but I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. "..." Rosie doesn't answer, only the sweet breeze and rippling of the clear-glass lake. Eve... I'm sure you did nothing wrong, but... I can't trust you, not yet... With the thoughts of sadness and regret, she fell asleep.

"...Kyra, wake up." Said a voice. A pair of cold hand-like fingers shook her lightly. Kyra sat up and yawned. "Finally..." Kyra looked up at whatever woke her. Bael's face was full of worry. "I'm sorry to say this, but..." Kyra looked Bael in the eye. "Eve's missing and the only thing she left behind was some blood." Kyra was up to her talons in no time. Her head was full of thoughts like, "does she really hate me like I thought she would?" "Is she about to kill another royal?" "What should I do?" "Is there any way to save her?"

Kyra tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't. She instead gave up and asked Bael her question as calmly as she could. "Is there any way to save her or help her in whatever she's about to do?" Bael heaved a sigh. She looked down at her feet, her corrupted eyes scurrying all around the grass. "There might be a way... But I'd have to call my sister Belle to help us. It may be hard and bloody, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

Say no!! It's the most logical thing you can do! Like, Seriously, BLOODY? HARD? I've gone through HARD and BLOODY and it doesn't sit right with me! SAY NO... Seriously, say no... Ugh, I'm so stupid for giving in to this...


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