Chapter eight- Kyra

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"Belle, Oh Keeper of Time, Won't you come to my side! Activation Protocol: Belle Call!"

Kyra stood beside Bael as she lifted both of her hands to her chest and then out again, calling out. A beam of light came from Bael's hands, reflecting off the trees, giving off a luminescent glow.

Once the light died down a little bit, a silhouette of a body that looked much like Bael's appeared. She walked (or, rather, floated) over to Bael, who was slumped over, panting. Does it really take that much Mana Power to do this spell? No... This isn't Mana power. This is... Magic Power... But... The Magic Omens went extinct years ago... Does this mean what I think it means? Could Bael actually be a Rewarian? That's the only other way she would act this way... And it would also mean she has a curse. At least, that's what Grandfather said. With a jolt of sadness, she remembered the black fox with the white swirls on its face. It's amber eyes and how when it howled, more came. How when they attacked her city, all of the corruption and how the white-tentacle things inched across her home, sucking life out of everything and phoenix it could find. All the screams and pain, while all Kyra did was watch. She watched the corruption wrap their gross tentacles around her Grandfather, strangling him and his life away in an instant. She remembered screaming out to him, while the foxes dragged her off to this forest. She remembered how the day before her grandfather's voice became deep and demanding, and afterward he became sickly.

"Oh, dear, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Belle asked, floating over toward Kyra. "Nothing."

Belle placed the palm of her hand over her forehead, sending chills through Kyra's body. "Oh dear... Bael, sister, look at this." She floated over toward Bael and did the same. Her eyes became wide, and she whipped her head around to stare at Kyra with wide eyes.

"The Shadows destroyed your home as well...? Belle, do you know what this means?"

"Yes, sister, I do... But where did the foxes come from...? Bael, do you think they could be..."

"...A Mystic Fox?!" They said at the same time. Mystic...Fox...? Kyra thought this over, but eventually gave up. "What do you mean, Mystic Fox? I've never heard of that." Kyra asked. "And... How did you know what I was thinking?" She asks.

"...We... Well, each of us have our own specialties," Belle says, using her actual voice which Kyra hadn't seen Bael do when they first met, either. "For example, Bael's is called Magic. He—"

Kyra exploded when she heard this. "Wha— how—HE?! HE'S A MALE?!" She yelled. Belle's expression changed to one of concern. She looked back at Bael, who looked away at first glance. He mumbled something in a language Kyra had never heard of before— "Katriya... Marniew, hatakanam. Yernaque Mamaiane haktiki. Makliar. " He said. Belle answered by saying something in Warnian— "Oh... But why would you do that? Come ON, sometimes you're TOO nervous," Belle groaned softly. "Mue." Bael said, nodding.

...I have no idea what is going on right now, Kyra thought to herself. Eventually, Bael gave up and looked down at his toes in defeat."...Okay, I'll put my true form on... But what if she teases me?!" Bael asked.

"This is so not you." Belle said. "What happened to ruling everyone in the Island of Hell? What happened to being named after the greatest human-demon, Phoenix-god?! Because right now, I don't see you as who you are named after. I see you as hiding your true self. You're spitting on your roots! I want you to be yourself, strong, ruling-worthy, making the humans hate us. You say you have what it takes, but you need to show the world that it's true. You can't just say, 'I'm so formidable to humans, let's rule the world just because I'm named after one of the popular princes of Hell'! You have to show it, or else you can't be the one to be in line for His Majesty's throne!" Belle lectured. Belle noticed Kyra staring at her, and she changed the subject.

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