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That was all my mind perceived. I guess I must have fainted after that horrible thing happened.

My eyes opened lazily, finding out that I was currently lying somewhere.
I was lying in the backseats of some car, my head resting in someone's lap.

When I saw that familiar stubble and face above me I immediately sprout up.

"W-what's going on? Was it? Was- I-"
"Hey, calm down, hmm?" I could feel his hands on my back.

"I saw you ki-" kill yourself.
"No, you didn't. It wasn't me who shot. It was Joshua." I glanced into the driver's seat to really see Joshua with small smile playing on his lips.

"He shot that bitch. I just tried to keep her busy in the meantime."

"You know how scared I was!" I straddled him, getting incredibly mad and emotional. I thought he fucking died!

"I thought you died!" I sobbed again, wrapping myself around his body ever so tightly.

"Fuck Louis."

"It's okay. Don't cry." he caressed my back soothingly.

"I can cry how much I want." I sniffed, pulling away to look him in the eyes, to look him in those beautiful oceans of his.

"I don't like it when you cry." he frowned.
"And I don't like when you pretend to die."
"Fair enough." Louis sighed.

My eyes ticked from his eyes to his lips. I leaned in unintentionally, ghosting over those pink tinted pillows.
"Just-" I fisted his hair in my hands, pulling him as close as possible.

"Just kiss me you fool." our lips touched, the light touch changing into a slow kiss full of emotions. I wanted him to feel how much he truly means to me.

"I love you Louis." I mumbled in between the kisses.
"I know." he chuckled.

That's just like him...

"Where are we going?" I finally glanced out of the moving car, seeing the dark landscape change as we kept driving.

"Home, we are going home."

"I am home." I whispered, burying my face in the hollow of his neck, letting him caress my back again.

"You bring me home." I let out, my eyelids shutting closed. I was exhausted from this, I really was.

Soon I was sound asleep in his hold.

Some time later I could hear some beeping sounds and feel some moves.
"Little one, we are here."

I didn't feel like opening my eyes, I wanted to continue sleeping.
I kept dozing without moving a single limb of mine.
Then I felt someone's hands on my body, picking me up into the air.

"Mhm." I murmured, furrowing my brows since I didn't know what was happening.

"You can sleep, but we have to get you into the bed first." it was Louis' voice, Louis' calming voice.

I remember another sounds and even light in my face before I could feel the sheets underneath my back.
I rolled onto my side, finding myself a comfortable position to sleep in.

I slept for quite a long time. Who wouldn't? I was exhausted from all those previous events. It was lot of stress for me.

When my eyes finally opened the daylight was already all around the room.

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