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The next day I overslept. I got up after nine, which meant I was already late for work. Incredible. It took me next half an hour to make a human being from myself again.

I ran to the garage, starting my car.
"I should not have gone with him yesterday." I was half way through my journey when I felt my stomach doing a flip. I quickly grabbed the plastic bag I had in the door of my car, throwing up inside.

This was a disaster, a fucking nightmare!

I ran into the studio totally out of breath.
"I am so sorry, I was-" Zayn was standing there with camera in his hands.

"Harry, you are hour late, one hour! Do you even know how long that is? You have to be on time if you want to keep up this job! It's not on me, the people higher can fire you if they want to. Wake up, before it's too late." I just faced the ground while thinking about his words.
He was right, I shouldn't do such things.

"Get dressed, we have to be quick." he smiled small at me.
"Of course." I smiled back at him nervously.
We did what we had to do and before I left Zayn had a little chat with me again.

"What was the reason for you to be late?" he leaned against the wall of the studio.
"I went to bar yesterday and- I just drank too much. It was stupid of me, I know." I sighed.
"Yeah, it was. Harry, if you would like to talk just know I am always here, okay?" Zayn never said something like that to me before.
"Thank you." I felt my heart warming up at his words.

Zayn pulled me into a quick hug before I was off, heading back to my car.

I went to Starbucks for a coffee because I really needed it today.
I couldn't overlook one thing on my way there though. There was a car following me. It was a huge black mercedes with dark windows. I thought it was a coincidence at first but when I saw that the car was still right behind me, turning around the corner every time I did, speeding up and down the same as me I began to sweat.

I was afraid and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go home if someone was following me. Okay, let's just go to the starbucks as I planned.

I got out of the car, quickly walking towards the door.
I looked around before I was about to enter the shop. That car was parking on the corner of this exact street.
I went inside and ordered myself a latte grande.

I picked up my phone, going through the contacts with my shaky hands, dialing the number I was looking for.

"Hey mate, lunch?" he answered.
"Someone is stalking me Niall." I glanced at that car again.
"Harry, aren't they just some paps?" he asked me calmly.
"Niall, no. This is different." I bit my lip nervously.
"Harry, I think you are paranoid."
"Niall but the car has been-" I wanted to stand up for myself but he interrupted me from doing so.
"Look, no one is stalking you, no one is following you. Don't think about it, yeah?" I nodded but I wasn't feeling any calmer.

"Latte grande for you sir." the lady handed me my order.
"Thank you very much." I grabbed it from her.

"I'll see you at home Harold, need to do something. It's okay, remember it!"
"Bye." I hung up, making my way back to my car.

As I grabbed the handle of my range rover the black mercedes turned on his engine and lights.

"It's okay. It's none of a big deal." I got inside, fastening my seatbelt, taking few sips from my deserved coffee.

As I pulled out of the parking lot the black mercedes made sure to be right behind my back once again.
"I will kill Niall if I get murdered." I was driving through the city, trying to get rid of the car behind me. It seemed impossible. No, let me correct myself. It was impossible.

In the end I decided to go home. I couldn't just drive around the town the whole day.

When I drove into the garage the car was gone. I relaxed a bit and ran up the stairs which were leading to our flat.

I was struggling to find the keys. Why was this like a scene from some fucking horror movie? I was just waiting for pennywise to appear.

Could this day be any worse? I wanted to be inside of the fucking flat already!
I found the keys at the bottom of my bag eventually.

"Finally." I got in and locked the door behind me.

I looked into the hallway through the peephole but there was no one to be seen.
"Maybe I am really paranoid." I went into my room with the coffee in my hands.

My blinds were still closed so I went up to the window to let the sun inside.

I took a look out, on the street, to see the black mercedes parked just in the view of my window.
I began to panic again. What if I would just call the police? No, that's stupid, they would say I have no proof.

I took my favourite hoodie and sweatpants, grabbing my laptop and coffee, sitting down on my bed.

I wanted to distract myself from thinking about what could happen. I needed to survive until Niall's return home, which was supposedly something around 5 hours. Shit.

I opened Netflix and just played the first show on there, Sherlock was it in this case.

I was still nervously ticking with my eyes around the room.

"This is fucking weird, God." I grabbed my head, pulling at my own hair.

What do people typically do when something strange happens to them? They go to safari.

I do the same when I feel sick. Last time I googled something about stomachache for example.
Don't do it, you will probably find out that you have 3 days of life left. That was like month ago, yet I am still here, alive, at least for now.

I typed this in the pole: Black mercedes following me.

Nothing helpful showed up, only cars I could buy. I am happy with my Range Rover, thank you very much.

After that I just did stupidities to distract myself.

I took a shower, prepared myself a salad for dinner, listened to some music, danced around... and then I heard the door.

What was I supposed to do now? I was trying to hide somewhere but it was too late, the person walked in.

"Harry?" it was just Niall.
"Fucking moron." I tried to breathe again.
"What?" Niall came into the living room.
"Come with me." I dragged him into my room to show him the car.
"What? You should clean your window, it's really dirty." he touched the surface of it.
"The black mercedes." Niall glanced down on the street for a minute.
"What mercedes?" I looked at the place, where I saw the car before but the lot was empty now.

"Harry, I told you, you are just paranoid. I will make you something for dinner." he patted my shoulder.
"No, thanks. I am having a salad. I can't eat your pizzas and burgers, want to keep my job."
"Of course, you chicken."
"Fuck off." I sat down on my bed still frightened from the previous events.

I came into the kitchen an hour later, grabbing myself the salad that I had made earlier.
"Hey, wanna watch a movie? I don't want you to be alone right now, come on." I sat down next to him on our couch.
"Thanks Nialler."
"You know I am here for you. Sometimes you are just thinking into things too much." he shrugged, drinking some more of his beer.

"Yeah, you are right." I answered although I wasn't completely sure about it.

We watched Mission Impossible and then I headed to my bedroom with a spoonful of low calorie ice cream.
I came up to my window to close the blinds, preparing myself to go to bed. But then I saw a black mercedes underneath. As I came even closer to the window the lights of the car turned on.
Niall wasn't right, this couldn't be just some fucking coincidence.

Tell me your opinions on this in the comments. :) See you very soon! Have a great night/day sun!

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