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I woke up to cold bed and rays of sun in my face.

I sat up, looking around the room if I will see him somewhere but I didn't. My face immediately covered my well known frown.
I grabbed my clothes from the ground where I had previously spotted them.

"Mmm, are you here? Hello?" I called into the flat but no one answered.
I looked everywhere but he wasn't anywhere to be found.
My heart was breaking into pieces once again.

I was mad at myself and him as well. He was so nice and he had to do this again? He just had to ruin it, hadn't he?

Yeah, he never said I meant something more to him so why am I so surprised?

I got out, on the street, looking around for black mercedes that wasn't even there.

I didn't question it and just stopped the first taxi that drove by.
I told the taxi driver my address and put my earbuds into my ears. Later a notification showed up on my screen.

No caller ID: Tomorrow at 1am. Here are the coordinates ****************************.

Me: I'll be there.

No caller ID: You better.

Just when the message came my phone began to ring.

Unknown calling

I answered it, unplugged my earbuds and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, where are you?" he asked.

"On my way home." I whispered quietly.

"What?" I could see how his brows furrowed even when he wasn't there.

"What do you mean what? You helped me, thank you for that, now I am going home."

"Yeah, so I can eat the breakfast I bought alone? You know what? Nevermind." and the next thing I heard was beeping of the phone as he hung up.

Fuck, this was on me. But how could I know he hadn't left me like any other time?

Louis' POV

Once I just wanted to do something nice! I am not going to do this ever again because it simply doesn't matter what you do!

I looked over the two breads I bought, one was with avocado and one without.

Who the fuck would eat avocados?
Well, I thought Harry would like it so I got it for him. I shook my head and grabbed the bread with egg. Yeah, this was good.

My phone rang so I picked it up.

"Hello?" it was Toby.

"Boss, we have time and place."

"Do we now?" that got my attention.

"Yes we do."

"Okay, I'll be in the club in 20 minutes." I took another bite from my lovely breakfast.
I quickly finished my bread, throwing the other one away. I am definitely not going to eat avocados.

"So 1am at this creepy place."

"How are we gonna do this?" Ashton asked.

"Well... we need Styles to get there by an uber or something so it wouldn't be suspicious. We will be right behind his back but at the same time we will have to be careful and don't get seen straight away."

"Okay boss. Should we call him?"

"No, I'll- actually yes. Call him Toby." I didn't want to talk to him right now. He made me feel a bit idk, that weird feeling when you are kinda sad and idk.

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