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I entered my flat, slamming the door behind me.

"So?" I heard Zayn's voice when I came into my living room.
"He- he said he cares about me." I looked down on my screen to reread that message he had sent me.

"Zayn." I was on the verge of crying by that time.
"I am so happy for you." he smiled, getting up from the couch he was seated on.

Zayn was never a hugging type of person but he wrapped his arms around me nonetheless.

"I am so fucking happy." I smiled, letting few tears of happiness leave my eyes.

"But he is leaving." I pulled away.

"You know you don't have to leave, right?" Zayn put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it a bit.

"I know but I would like to go back with him."

"It will be okay. You can stay here for some more time."

"I don't even know what I would do if I came back." I said sadly.

"There is always something. Maybe you could open your own tattoo shop?"

"Pff, that's so much money, work and time. I wouldn't be able to afford a flat or anything." I thought about some other options but honestly this one was the most appealing.

"Well, wouldn't you live with Tomlinson?" would he accept that? I wasn't sure about that.

"We haven't spoken about moving in together. That's too soon, don't you think? He just said he cares about me. He said I am more than a toy but it's not like he asked me to marry him." I shrugged.

"Well, I think he wouldn't turn you down. I think he really does care about you. Maybe you could ask him about it?" we sat down on the couch together this time.

"Let's not talk about the future. You are here and I want to enjoy your presence while I still can." I smiled.

"Alright. What are your plans for today?" Zayn smiled back at me.

"Lot of things. I will take you out to the streets of New York, take you to my favourite restaurant and we will finish it wherever you want. Club, theater, something else? You choose." I informed him about all my plans.

"Sounds good to me. I would rather go to theater though. There is dark and people can't see me. In club I would have to interact with people which is just not good." he chuckled nervously.

"Alright, let's get ready then!" I got up from the couch to take a quick shower and change into some fresh clothes.

Our day was going really well. We were now eating our food, sitting by the window in my favourite restaurant in New York.
"What is he like?" Zayn asked as he put another bite of his meal into his mouth.



"Well, he is- he definitely is something." I chuckled.

"I realized." Zayn stared at my face with amused expression on his own.

"He just makes me- feel things." I picked up my glass, taking few sips of my water while glancing out on the street.

"Yeah. I see that he really makes you happy, when he is not behaving like an ass of course." his eyes filled up my mind once again, those two deep oceans.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay, I will drop that now." Zayn smiled, trying to think of another question to change the subject.

"Will you show me the tattoo shop you work at?" he drank some of his cola.
"Yeah, sure I will! Do you want to get another tattoo?" Zayn had lot of tattoos decorating his skin.
"Will you make me some of your famous design?" he asked.
"If you want to."
"If you give me discount." he shrugged.
"You little shit." I smacked his arm in a playful manner while we were both laughing.

I took Zayn to the shop the second day. I showed him everything and I also introduced him to my colleagues.

He chose quite simple design for his tattoo. It was a slice of lemon. He said his eyes landed on it first and that he really liked it.

"If it hurts just tell me." I grabbed the machine when I prepared everything I needed.

The design was already prepared on Zayn's skin.

My hair was styled up into a messy bun to prevent it from falling into my face and my hands had pair of gloves on.

"I have as much tattoos as you had wees today, don't worry."
"Hahahah, funny." I rolled my eyes.
"Am I?" Zayn chuckled "I am trying really hard, you know?" I let the needle touch his skin for the first time, knowing that will make him shut up finally.

We weren't talking during me working on his tattoo. I needed to concentrate because I wanted to show him how good I was at my new job. Obviously I still had to learn but I was doing pretty good in my opinion.

The outcome was great, I was satisfied with it.

"So what do you say?" I wiped the finished lemon with one of the cleansing tissues.

"It's really nice. Thank you." he took a closer look at his hand.

"I guess you know what will come now?" I needed to give Zayn the talk about the after care even though I was sure he knew what to do and how to treat his skin.

"I need to do it with every customer so." I explained everything to him rather quickly. Zayn didn't have to ask me a single question, he already knew everything.

After that I took him to my flat to pack his things. He had to leave because he couldn't take any more days off. I was sad he had to leave me so soon.

I really wish he wouldn't have to go.

We hailed a taxi and drove together to the airport. I began to think about stuff while we were sitting in the car.

What if I just moved back to England? Zayn is my best friend and Tomlinson, well Louis is Louis.

We paid to the driver, walking into the hall of the airport.
"I am gonna miss you." I embraced him in a hug.
"I will miss you too, get off now." he pushed me away.

"I will hear from you?" I asked.
"Sure you will." he slowly began to walk away while still glancing at me over his shoulder.
"Okay. Good luck with that James guy at work!" I exclaimed when he was already making his way towards the check in.

"Oh fuck no, my patience!" he screamed in frustration. I chuckled, waving him one last goodbye before I lost the sight of him in the crowd.

Hello loves, I hope you are all healthy and doing good!
If not I hope you will get better soon.

I also want to thank you again for all the support. I appreciate it so fucking much.

You make me so happy people, love you!!!<3

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