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"I will be home by 7pm. Please, be ready Harry, just once." Niall said while we were leaving the restaurant.
"You know me." I smiled, one of my corners raising higher than the second one.

"Yeah, that's the problem." he brought out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.
Niall frowned when he looked down on the phone, aggressively tapping on the screen few seconds later.

I don't know what it was, but something made him pretty upset. Probably work. I kept standing there with my hands in the pockets of my coat.
"Hey, I am still here?" I hate when he does this.
"Sorry man, 7pm." he turned around and disappeared. Dear god, give me patience with this creature.

What should I do now? I had pretty short work day today.
Maybe I could go shopping or something? It's gonna be a date with myself, nice.

I drove to the first store that came up to my mind. Meet my baby, Gucci.
"Welcome sir." one man in black suit opened the door for me.
"Thank you." I stepped inside, my eyes wondering all around the shop.
"Hello, can I help you?" lady in black suit came up to me this time.
"I would like to buy a shirt, button up shirt to be specific." I wear button ups all the time, they look good on me.

"Let me show you my favourite pieces." she smiled, turning on her heels and walking towards the men section.
"Here we have our new collection. This one is bright red with flower pattern." she grabbed the hanger. I examined the fabric with my fingers quickly, 12/10 people would recommend. As you can say, yes, I love mathematics.

"Here is our previous collection. This one is in black color and the fabric is sparkling." not really my style, but it was alright. I could see myself wearing it.

"And here we have-" as she grabbed the hanger I had to stop her. I was not going to wear pink, just no.
"Sorry, I don't really like this one."
"That's okay. Would you like to try one of these on?" she grabbed the bright red and sparkling black button up.
"I'll try them both." maybe I will look better in the black one, I can still try it without buying it.
"Then come with me, please." I followed her into the changing rooms. She placed my chosen pieces on the holder, leaving me to try them on.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." I closed the door behind her.

I was undressing myself when I could hear that someone entered the shop.
"Hello sir." said that man who opened the door for me as well.

"Do you have my order?" I heard some voice I didn't recognize.
"Of course sir, here it is." I heard the lady speak now, she sounded like she was in pain.
"Is everything in there?" that voice asked again.
"Everything that you had ordered."
"Alright." the sound of paper bag rattling spread through the store.
Then I just heard the man in black suit open the door and say 'Have a nice day, sir'.

By now I had the black button up on. It didn't look bad, not even a little bit.

I fell in love with the red one though. As soon as I had it on I couldn't stop staring at myself. This one was fantastic. I will wear it tonight, I want to show off.

I dressed into my original clothes, leaving the changing room.
"Have you chosen any of these?" she was more relaxed when she was talking to me, I could hear it in her voice.
"I will take the red one with flowers." I smiled.
"Good choice." she took it from me to place it into the bag.
"Thank you very much, goodbye." I left the shop after I paid for the shirt.

I went into my car, heading to the gym next. I work out 6 times a week, I always run and afterwards I do some lifting. It usually takes me around hour and half. I can't live without it anymore, the feeling after workout is just too great.

When I was all sweaty and tired I finally headed home.
I needn't the attention of people for seeing me at the Starbucks with greasy hair, dressed in sport shorts and old tshirt. I will just make something home.

Sinner for the Devil | l.s.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin